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Danger. relationresultAlong the way,also experienced a lot of combat ,which made Lu Ping their several five line array with more skilled, but also the way to practice is to increase their power ,so they are very happy ,and to this day they came to a mountain front, decided here have a rest ,then falls on the piedmont .
relationresultTheDongsheng China stretches without boundary ,which are high mountains and lofty hills ,well-known mountains and rivers ,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com,every mountain there is a strong vitality world ,very suitable for cultivation ,if this in the sector is not possible ,the vitality world strong mountain is in the door faction and the family holding ,unlike here in heaven ,can be seen everywhere .
relationresultIt is precisely because of this,Lu Ping they deliberately do not need to find ,just go where cultivation ,but the heaven and every mountain there is a very strong vitality and five rows ,they like their master that metamorphosis ,cultivation time also not so much the world of five rows of vitality ,so easy to find a mountain so that they can rest .
relationresultThis timethey came to this mountain Lu Ping it is common ,but this mountain is misty ,seems somewhat mysterious ,but lupin they also did not care about ,is the direct falls in the mountain front, then to find a place where is hunkered down in practice ,although some of them are very like play, but the practice when it is not a lazy ,after all, there is a metamorphosis of the master to goad them .
relationresultHowever inLu Ping their practice not long time ,he suddenly heard a loud shaking heaven and earth ,will Lu Ping they are awakened ,quickly rose to view this is what happened ,but the sound is coming from the mountain ,so Lu Ping them is towards the mountain fly away .
relationresultThiswas misty mountains this is his whole face, the clouds have did not know where to go, and Lu Ping them towards the mountain flying time ,but found this mountain from is very messy ,seems to be suffered a very serious destroy ,which allow them to be more curious mountain what happened .
relationresultWhilelupin they fly to the top of the mountain when it is found ,the figure of a man standing there ,and this figure is very tall ,but the figure back to them, so that they can each other face ,and in this man swinging around a pile of material ,and see those materials ,Lu Ping they are staring eyes ,eyes are shining .
relationresultThough they are notan expert, but for some rare mixing device ,alchemy materials or know ,this way is also collected many ,wait after their own free time to refine the .
However, and in front of the figure beside those materials are compared ,their hands that is crap ,the figure beside those things that are not in the East China Sea Dragon King .relationresultAlas ,this day printing is refractory ,and wasted so many things ,it is a pity ah .
Also ,Swami refining it is not around the mountain ,I of these materials and how can be compared . The figure stood there said automatic speaking ,is to let Lu Ping them a scare .relationresult , relationresultThe 442nd chapter exercise for madman ( below) , relationresultWhenthey heard that Lu Ping was speaking, are startled, although they did not have much experience ,but not this ancient mountain they heard of, but this figure is said his Swami not Zhou Shan refining the Nash Mody printed some day ,it is natural to make they really frightened ,thinking that someone who is .
relationresultWhilelupin wond when their hearts ,the figure is turned up, they let Lu Ping see .I saw the man seems to be more than 40 years old appearance ,however, ruddy skin ,but also exudes if such as no luster ,see it is not mortal ,and that noise under the mountain but will make a mess ,and the clothes are not fold ,this let Lu Ping they believed that the man must be an expert .
relationresultLu Pingshen isthe big brother ,nature is many things for him ,and saw the man turned around ,is the respectful stepped forward ,he said, the younger generation of lupin see predecessors ,we brothers pass by here, do not know this as if has advanced ,disturb advanced place ,please forgive me .
, relationresultThe manlistened to the words of Lu Ping after nodded ,and then said with a smile , anyway ,anyway ,I cloud neutron ,also happened to pass by here ,find some good stuff ,to refining the same things, but without success ,not here I goats, no excuse not to disturb ,inverted is I just to disturb you .
, relationresultCloud neutroncalled out their names ,but lupin they know where the cloud neutron is what person ,upon hearing of cloud neutron after words are nodded ,and not say anything ,and if you let them know what is cloud neutron figures, so Lu Ping it would terrify them ,this cloud neutron is free saints Primus from the ancient gods of war is a very famous figures ,and his fame is not cloud neutron mana so high ,but the cloud neutron extremely good at mixing device ,free twelve gold immortal magic weapon, basically be he imitated again .
relationresultThiscloud neutron although not in free twelve gold Xianzhi column ,but mana but not at twelve gold immortal ,and only one can be regarded as a good fairy .In the ancient gods of war, whether it is the vast array of ten or nine of the Yellow River front ,Oonnaka Ko was due to the absence of Sha Jie in the body, so there is no involvement ,whereas the other twelve Jin Xian is the two large array by .
relationresultAnothercloud neutron is a mixing device ,originally to his qualification as long as a good practice is to be ranked the twelve golden fairy, but cloud neutron is one to indulge in the refining device ,although mana is not in twelve Jin Xian under, but also are like Primus ,not ranked twelve gold the immortal ,but cloud neutron for these is not how to care .
relationresultLu Pingwhere do they know cloud neutron name ah ,how many days they to heaven ,to heaven the Swire to nature is nothing ,but the heart that cloud neutron is an expert ,but also afraid to show no respect looks ,and cloud neutron seems to also do not care about Lu Ping they know or not know your own name ,in the reported their fahao then looked at Lu Ping their eyes ,suddenly is a breath .
relationresultAnd then I sawthe cloud neutron waved ,suddenly Lu Ping five of them in five rows Shenfan was automatically fly out of their body ,and then toward the cloud neutron fly away ,a blink of an eye is on cloud neutron hands ,which made Lu Ping they are the heart was shocked ,but not Lu Ping stop ,they will take up the release of tiger .
relationresultCloud neutron predecessors ,this is our teacher gave us refining magic, not surprising things ,please give us ,juniors ,must be indebted forever . Lu Ping was stopped with junior side against the other ,on the opposite side of the cloud neutron said ,and his heart is alarming to the extreme ,dare not let a few not rashly shots .
relationresultWant to knowthis five rows of holes in the Shenfan Yuchuan gave them, is their refining spirit communicated with each other, however just is not under their control from their in vivo flew out, and then to the cloud neutron fly away ,and in the process, they were not made to feel with five rows of Shenfan have what connection ,it is natural to cloud neutron magic power ,it will let Lu Ping did not dare to act rashly and blindly ,the other is really brilliant ,he could not bring himself to see they are in danger . Related articles:

