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The Dan revealed Chen Xiao and oneself ground in the household relation, so he was the affair of he's fiance, also could not concealed naturally.

How to should make a showdown with Chen Xiao still hasn't decided and very exactly Xiao feeling!

BE according to planning at first, the pain beats Chen Xiao up and beat him don't even recognize old mamas he, then stepped on a feet, bad ruthlessly warned him:Dare to marry me, interrupt your

Again or ……deep feeling of*in his bosom, tender feelings honey the idea say:The speech of Mei Shuo.The parents' life, Lang gentleman, we from ……

E ……do not go or not, too disgusted!

Or must think a way conceal first then go!

Thought of here, she hurriedly and secretly lug pull the elderly gentleman's hand, quick way:"Too Ye, Chen Xiao's friend was held for ransom by this person who leaves a word, not the time for engaging in small talk now!"

Say, the side led body.Repeatedly made an expression of eyes to the elderly gentleman.

This elderly gentleman looked like senile person, in fact but is also an old fox the generally unique color , on seeing the shape of Xiao feeling, suddenly think of in the heart, if this young man really is ……so nearby this small girl and he be not ……

See the appearance that the Xiao feeling rise to get red in the face to wriggle again, also try very hard to to oneself crowded eyes, where still not understand?The son that can be strong to endure the concussion in the heart, pause for breath a meeting, and then coughed several voices.Unclear way:"H'm H'm H'm, it is a quite good young man to pour."

Chen Xiao endures heart in of impatient, politely ask a way:"Old man's house, , this ……stay in this counter of word, do you know background?You ……you recognize does this stay a word ground person?"

Making reference to a behind's being full in tone is to expect.


The Xiao elderly gentleman stared to stare and immediately sighed tone.Wry smile way:"How may?My this kind of person there is this qualifications there!This Lin old absolute being Long Jian disappears tail, that is the legend general person is in the fairy!I guy like this, only admire to him just ……"

In Chen Xiao Xin not from must have some vexation:Own friend was kidnap by this person, is this elderly gentleman own noodles but admires towards binding bandit to say really and returns a face to respect the meaning of dream?

"Too Ye ……" Xiao feeling saw a silk of Chen Xiao look in the eyes inside the Yu lightly pulled to pull the Xiao elderly gentleman's hand not, the low voice reminds a way:"This …… Chen Xiao's friend was stayed word ground person to kidnap ……"

"What?Kidnap?"The elderly gentleman of the Xiao repeatedly flutter head on listenning to:"Is impossible!This boy much big age, his friend just how much age!The wood is always and what kind of a person.How to may do the affair that humiliates small generation!H'm ……even if Lin Lao really took his friend.Is also from have intention!Hum ……what gentleman there is knife ……boy, are you to do knife?"

Chen Xiao is helpless.Crustily the skin of head was confused to explain two, he didn't explain the identity of old farmland.Says to is oneself understanding ground there is really a friend who excels a knife method in the person, thinking necessarily the other party is to aim at this to just leave a message a challenge.

"Challenge?It is impossible."The Xiao elderly gentleman sneered at 1:"Wood always and how identity!This is in the world, where still have the person to be worth his challenging?Only the other people look up at his share son!"

The appearance that looking at Chen Xiao to less and less has patience, the Xiao feeling sighed tone, canned hurriedly open mouth to ask a way:"Too Ye, we don't say first other of, you can tell us first, you say of is the wood old, exactly is what position?"

"Lin Lao ……"

The Xiao elderly gentleman sighed tone and at will sat at the sand of flank up, lifted to raise a hand, did a signal, stand on the distance ground a few young men immediately have a severals to come up, the hands respectully offer up a pole water smoke gun.

The old headman took out two people and neglected image of the smoke cooking pot is in the shoe sole Ke Ke, vomit blue ground in smoke, Be full to is absolute being to go toward in look in the eyes:"Is alas ……what person is he ?Knew his person in those early years, who not and respectully shouted Lin San Ye!Hum, the time in republic, arrived ringing of beyond the frontier from the pole out of the pass Ma Zi, cantonal the greenwood Piao from the China had son still what green way in the Hong door, as long as his Lin San Ye spoke a words, who dare to answer criticism a not word!The Hey Hey brought up Lin San Ye in those early years, who not and politely embraced a boxing to beat a Re!One sword Kun Lun Qing pillar in the sky, world hero he the first!That is the of indomitable spirit big hero!"

One sword Kun Lun Qing pillar in the sky, world hero he the first?

Hope this one face of elderly gentleman worships of facial expression, consumedly disagree in Chen Xiao Xin.

The Qing pillar in the sky?Slice, do I still gain considerable fame a sky!

The text chapter 223 【Lin San Ye 】

Chapter 223 Lin San Ye

Chen Xiao's age isn't after all old, disagree in the heart, facial expression of face not aware of self express.

The Xiao elderly gentleman sees in the eye and hum a , slowly sink a track:"Young young man young and inexperienced, don't know Lin Lao of severe.The Lin Lao Yi made in those early years next, the worlds Hao all respected.As long as took Lin Lao's a , walk to°from east Shanhaiguan Yi plough in west Xinjiang, outside walk to all have no one person to dare to move your a finger to south Fukien, no matter it is heroes of green woods or Ma Fei's pole from the north pass."

Chen Xiao listenned to and also just picked to pick eyebrows.

The Xiao elderly gentleman absorbs water smoke and looking at the facial expression that Chen Xiao picks eyebrow and also just sighed tone:"You don't understand, you don't understand of, the young man child blathers words, if be not ……I am about to beat your bottom.Lin Lao the fighting skill is peerless, again where is our this kind of ordinary people to guess a degree!"

Xiao elderly gentleman said such a words, Chen Xiao listenned to, don't also do what reaction, but fall aside person's ear inside, include Xiao feeling and wait on to sign beside a few young men, is all that the facial expression is huge to change!

This Xiao elderly gentleman looks like just a commonness of country soil old headman, can actually of identity is huge fantastic!Being the contemporary clan of Xiao door is long, with Xiao house such of the martial arts noble family generation Hao the position of the door, this Xiao elderly gentleman, words exaggerate to say at 1:00, is almost now Wu Lin generally acceptedly and one person!(Certainly, old farmland that kind of old eccentric that live as recluse don't calculate).

With Xiao the identity position like this of elderly gentleman, as long as the Duo stamps foot, southern northern Wu Lin all want to tremble ascend three tremble of top person, but speak to connect to guess that none of degrees dares words like this to the that wood old fighting skill ……call how people aren't shocked?

"In years past Lin Lao Yi pair of sword, make to is that the absolute being ghost is unfathomable really, that is absolutely a sword fairy general person!Just so the person of the big skill, we these ordinary people originally is is no chance to become friends with, but he old man's house but have no shelf.Be again willing to fold stanza to the person the bottom hand over, the inside of south china sea northern martial Lin Hao Ke in the sky, be subjected to his favor ground really many."

Chen Xiao knits the brows:"Say so to come, also however is a Hao on way strong just, does the worth person respect so?"

The Xiao elderly gentleman puts a hand:"You are getting wronger.If just the skill is big.Big this world.Ability person difference private also not at minority, can be like true hero like this of Lin Lao but have no several,beats by dre studio!In years past Lin Lao red-blooded hot bowel, in addition to he the skill of old man's house is peerless outside, do a few astounding big deals, finally just signed his ground one a life time is good name!Is alas ……can only cherish, the good person has never liked report!"

Chen Xiao ordered to nod and asked a way:"How to say?"

"Hum, how say?My age was still young in those early years, this an affair still my Lao Tze told me the ground.It is regrettable.Born several years late, have no ability and Lin Lao Yi do that astoundingly important event!Alas, otherwise of words, even if serve loyally, again fear to!"

The Xiao feeling cannot help but asking a way:"The elderly gentleman can get you to respect adore so, is this wood old, exactly did what astounding important event?"

The Xiao elderly gentleman's Hey a , the sudden slap claps at table up.Horizontal eyebrow way:"In years past medium day country war.That small Japanese devil had a northeast pass outside three province, and then have already stretched the claw son to the Great Wall to come!The Great Wall one war of time .That wood is old invitation card, good men that call for our Hahn people red-blooded report country!The Lin Lao hurl body entered a Jin soldier to assist Fu to make righteousness general at that time.The world is all the way all men with skill, have the list the loners for riding a long distance, there is also the big Hao to maneuver one square, also have the total Piao of greenwood way to chase son and come together 110 good brave fellows, literally pull up a , all of that are to loudly be local top person!Oldly get generally at the wood under, the everyone son makes the righteousness general troops plait in the Fu set spy camp.At that anti- shot the Japanese go into the Great Wall war of pass in, greatly fight one battle with Japanese devil! Related articles:

