
Monster Beats it like me rel

, have been beyond the dragon heart bottom line .relationresultKill her!relationresultFlypalm fast if lightning ,Mukai Kumoka shot to the chest .relationresultIf thisa shot on the cloud of incense ,with practice ,I will immediately become a pile of fly ash .
relationresultAt this time,the sword of elders stepped in, his hand ,let Longfei heart shock .relationresultHeextended a welcome back ,palms are faintly visible to the naked eye ,with spiral flow of air floating ,the fighting skills, he is .
.. ... , relationresultFly palm fifth stack ! , relationresult! , relationresultDouble palmintersect ,Longfei immediately felt the other palm force to the huge thrill .relationresultTheirresistible tremor ,from the palm spread to the arm ,and then spread to other parts of the body .
relationresultTremor!relationresultCanthe tremor !relationresultLongfeinever thought that one day ,I will bear the original flying palm strike ... ... , relationresultThis ismy own fighting skills ,how could he ?And so skilled, palmar force than it seems I have deep .
.. ... , relationresultVisceraltrembling, nose ejection ,Longfei can back a few steps, one buttock sits on the ground ,will not move anything .relationresultThesword of elders, is only arm shaking for a while, shock power did not spread to him .
relationresultThisconfrontation, Longfei falls completely in the leeward !relationresultIn thedragon head tremor is not oneself ,puzzled when, see sword elders leg was a step forward ,only this one step ,just to the front of his .
relationresultThis... ... , relationresultCondensationpoint !relationresultLongfeishocked even the mouth closes not on .relationresultFlypalm ,shrinkage degree ,the two fighting skills ,but is full of his skills .
relationresultI onlyused once ,he learned how to ?Does he would ?relationresultHow couldI fly palm ,but point out fighting skills !relationresultA footstomp Longfei ,use magic point out several meters ,followed by a single hand ,use the Kobold tactic will be bodily injury is as out of the underground .
relationresultHe took outa seven psi Dan ,swallowed .relationresultAt this moment,what side he don ,the sword elders strength is too strange, if not come up with all their strength ,never from his hand .
relationresultRip!relationresultAt this moment,just feel that a dragon ,the sword has been to the front of his elders ,the fighting skills ,he was just using the magic . , relationresultFastsword elders around to him , the king transport plays a shot in the science behind .
relationresult! , relationresultJusttake seven Longfei secluded Dan spit out ,head dizzy ,faint .relationresultThe forty-first chapter sword elders secret , relationresultWhat can I do,he will be what .
.. ... , relationresultIs it a coincidence?relationresultIt canbe !relationresultIn this world,there is such a coincidence ?relationresultEyesdark ,what also can ,hear nothing ,this is an absolutely quiet space .
relationresultHereis the deepest ,Longfei consciousness .relationresultBoundlessdarkness ,Longfei saw a golden flame .relationresultIt is hissoul !relationresultBear ~relationresultDarksoul fire suddenly rise .
relationresultGood pain ... ... , relationresultFeiLong awake ,open your eyes ,see feel oneself highly flattered the cloud of incense .relationresultIt was a darkstone, around the torch lit, putting every kind of strange and eccentric instruments of torture .
relationresultStone houseis no other ,only their own cloud of incense .relationresultLongfieldwas bound hand and foot ,tied to a stone pillar ,and the cloud of incense is feel oneself highly flattered worked his whip ,just that she woke up in a coma ,pumping longfei .
relationresultHa ha ha ha ,don think ?You will fall on my hands ? , relationresultWith acloud of incense provoked Longfei face ,eyes flash of malice .relationresultBah ! , relationresultAmouth spit out saliva Longfei ,belches in Yun Xiang ,don his body can ,but he can still use his method ,to deal with the side of this nuisance .
relationresultThemouth saliva is spit in the cloud of incense in the mouth, she totally unprepared ,murmur swallowed ,followed by squatting on the ground ,a violent vomiting ... ... , relationresultYou .
.. ... Oh, you ... ... Vomit vomit . , relationresultCloudof Xianglian overnight rice are disgusting spit it out ,although she be so much day royal life thirteen slaves ,but the royal life thirteen in addition to sit on her body, also not difficult for her .
relationresultLongfeisneered : nausea ?Hey ,if I am not now wounded, can not make you ,just this once, you have already died . , relationresultI killed you ! , relationresultBe ablaze with angerto raise a cloud of incense ,Longfei away .
relationresult! , relationresultJust then,a commanding voice, under a cloud of incense immediately shiver ,dropped the whip ,the look cheerful went up .relationresultWho entersis the sword of elders .
relationresultGrandpa, you come ... ... , relationresultYun Xiangcame trotting sword Presbyterian side ,face was wreathed in smiles .relationresultDry grandpa?relationresultLongfeislightly started ,short bursts into a laugh .
relationresultNo wonderthey wake up to see who would be cloud of incense ,so she did the sword elders when dry grandpa ... ... , relationresultEmptybucket of st. ... ... You really gave birth to a daughter .
relationresultWell . , relationresultA long swordface expressionless nodded ,went to longfei .relationresultDry Grandpa ,this person is very abhorrent ,into our royal circles ,is bound to do something for our royal family of adverse life events ,you can rest assured that, just give me a little time ,I must be out of his mouth went out useful information ! , relationresultYun Xianggnash the teeth in anger pick up the whip ,just want to go forward ,but was stopped by the elders to sword .
relationresultYou go ahead, I call you ,you come in . , relationresultIs ... ... , relationresultYun Xiangwas reluctant to go out ,leaving when, also viciously toward Longfei waved whip ,the meaning is clear, I will come back to you .
relationresultYoudon fall on my hands !relationresultFeialso answered her a lucid eyes ,beats by dre pro.relationresultWait and see.relationresultWait and see.relationresultThe twoeye on ,all understand each other meaning .
relationresultDo youknow who I am .Sword elders at longfield ,touching the chin .relationresultHe had a whitedragon eye ,no answer .relationresultBoringquiz ,he did not want to ignore ,now he is all the energy ,the repair of injured body .
relationresultRest assured ,I will not kill you ,should say ,I would not be so easy to just kill you ... ... Sword elders thought, smiled : do you know why I can use your fighting skills ? , relationresultTalent .
Longfei light road .relationresultTalent ? Sword elders laugh: the legendary puppet talent that can do this, unfortunately ,even the puppet talent also shape only ,is not intended to ,which can do it like me ? , relationresultHearthe sword elders ,Longfei slightly .
relationresultHe hadon a description of natural categories of books ,see can copy rivals fighting skills, talent ,talent .Coma time, he thought ,the sword is how elders ,his guess ,is a puppet .
relationresultCan you think of a puppet talent ,enough you prove you outside ,than those so-called shit bucket Shengmen strong a little bit ,ha ha ,a little ,but I can tell you ,I was not a gift ,not genius ,but a .
.. ... Hey ,you never dreamed of . , relationresultAmysterious sword elders face ,stand in front of science ,was not at all in a prisoner ,but in and acquaintances like to chat .relationresultLongfeisneered Related articles:

