
beats by dre pro pped relationres

Be neither too familiar nor too distantlight is the following ,fast is fast, not weaker than the loitering in dark armor .However, between the two is far apart ,always maintain a safe distance between each other ,apparently not very friendly .
relationresultroll of old magic ,this is how his magic ,thousands of the belt ,a man went to the barren mountains ,not by what wronged ,I want to find a place where nobody cry ? The sound of people talking ,although in the fleet ,the sound is like walking a soothing talk ,also ask is very serious .
relationresultAnother person,also is to break the old magic hear sound volume ,just bored grunted ,and no other response, apparently on this crazy a contemptuous disregard .relationresultSpeakone sees this ,and tone the helpless sigh : oh !You I .
friendly ,for many years ,exchange also is friends ,if you really have any grievances ,come and find me !After all I am drunk breeze hand breeze rain ability, lest you cry ,flooded this piece of beautiful rivers and mountains of a country .
, relationresultWatch your mouth.Broken roll of old magic sound of thunder ,couldn commands ,scold: why I am here need to say ?If not for the Mozun was this mix ,it will let you in this free, to the deity roll ,or did thousands of Department of public, will bring you into ten thousand pieces ! , relationresultDrunken breezeWenyan giggle giggle laughed ,but he does not speak, now that the natural bamboo climb down : know many of you ,I will not destroy a two time, you offend by rude remarks ?You hurt me in the corner to hide for half a year, almost by magic Meifei to dry ,this exemption ! , relationresultYou ! The volume Mozun flying through broken body quivering ,slipping from hundreds of feet away and back over the more ferocious Biao ,said: I do not and you leave the matter at that ,the girls things indifferent, but you go why ruin my chambers ,steal million years jade bed .
This happened ,I offerings . , relationresultDrunken breezedistains ground say : you always this several malicious words ,not the soul is offering ,listening ear callus .Let me ask you ,the magic Meifei it is how you deal with ?I tried to ask, is not a message .
, relationresultBreakrolls Mozun apparently on this boring question is not interested, just said : dead . , relationresultDrunken breezeI laugh ,said : the old magic you evolved ,now even the woman is willing to kill .
Fantastic terrific, I walked in a hurry, forget to do ,Mozun ,awfully . Then use the aeriality voice said: die ,die ,die a hundred ,hundred not pull mix ! , relationresultTwo peopletemporarily lapsed into silence ,followed the Dark Armor over the deserted mountains .
relationresultGee !The front is a large group of killings ,ha ha !It would be interesting ,the white lump iron War Black brigade of evil, good ah ! Drunken breeze voice sounded again ,with a little excitement .
relationresultBreakrolls Mozun is blue ,drunken breeze is speaking ,he also without knowing ,this must become visible on a deeper level ,accumulated countless hatred never know what year to report .
But this guy shape supporting video single ,not of the scourge ,but also the force of one person .relationresult..... , relationresultThe darkarmour on the front of the cupola of the killings of gas clouds had resonance, in this way a fly because no one can be killed ,the thoughts of the gradually subsided ,is Yang Yezhan dissipated resentment opportunity ,can suddenly feel the kill ,suddenly stimulating thoughts revive erection ,accelerated drives the armor on to fight at fly .
relationresultSoon,the vast sky in front of the evening were seen in the sky ,and down the road light in mutual strangulation caused by collision ,roaring sound ,with little Li xiao .Thousands of magic the figure gradually emerged ,fighting going on ,oblivious to kill ,the sound of four ,terrified howling can be heard without end .
relationresultThesedemons and is clearly divided into two side in the fight each other ,all kinds of magic for diseases .Different color appearance back cast ,a Mage Armor also coruscate goes out of colored light, as when the fight of rotary flying shuttle ,overflow a mutually entangled light ,in gradually dim down to the very beautiful and pleasing to the eye .
relationresultThis scene,Yang Ye can the body of one ,flame more ,firmly pinched in the armor in the palm of the dark sword by the surging poured into immortal strength of filling was so Yin Xiao, even the gods wish to keep a clear Yang Yedou doubt their bones ,is it right? Is this bloodthirsty man ,why to see thousands of magic the fight scene ,the road in the heart has the mighty waves ?relationresultItcan any of patience to make trouble ,but thousands of magic in front of the body ,are not in control of the poplar night if into battle, jianjue ,magic ,dragon tiger but all can not be used, light with a dark sword to get when.
.. .. If thousands of magic and rallied together to attack ,he did not die not clear ,very wrong ... .. , relationresultAt this timeof night ,Yang never free to vent, and this can have a death wish you ,Dark Armor once again betrayed Yang night ,was the strength of the demon incites deviated from Yang Ye ,excited waving dark sword ,toward the battlefield rush past .
relationresultKill accountis also very good ,secretly ,by limiting the rapid ,erratic figure in this chaos to kill battlefield fish in troubled water also feasible ,can let Yang night more annoyance, this damn body at will into the Ashura abattoir ,for fear that no one informed of his arrival ,but also Fiat to vertex ,screeching voice through the armor of acoustics ,extremely powerful screaming out .
relationresultFor a time,filling a large force in Shengyang fairy screaming ,let the shocked ,thousands of pairs of eyes relax in a hurry saccade back ,cheap beats by dr dre,finally have got one in the spotlight .
relationresultChapter second two of the Pacific , relationresultThe darkarmor may not care attention and not ,this voice is venting under the chest irrepressible high-spiritedly ,after screaming ,no hesitation ,the dark sword exhibit ,drives the armor to fly to a transient magic before, first is fast shadowless trick cross cut .
relationresultThe manfell fast response ,knife hard block, but organic is inferior, be dark sword directly Piduan .Then we see sword arranged in a crisscross pattern ,the person has been chopped .
relationresultThe mutilatedbody was still with the sword as potential a ,dark armor has crashed into the pandemonium ,relying on the speed ,the dark sword sharp and continuously poured into the immortal force ,one murder ,see magic Tu magic ,sword without a will ,not long, even killed six people .
For a time they utterly routed ,chaos .relationresultSwireMakai repair magic all bloody generation ,see this case without any fear ,neat battalion blame Xiao, talisman flock to this huge iron man greeting ,valorous man more fit into handheld melee ,magic is split to .
relationresultThisgives vent resentment of malignant Yang night more excited ,where many people have where to drill ,wide long dark sword is flying with a sword and light ,with Related articles:

