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The positive feel oneself highly flattered at Qin blood behind her smile ,suddenly there was a loud explosion drink .relationresultQin Haoyuelooked back ,was a fortyish middle-aged women are all glared at his watch ,middle-aged woman dressed plain, was faintly visible in several patches ,a look that is near the village name .
relationresultYes,I am. I told my brother make fun of . Qin Haoyue hesitating in speaking to a sound ,pulled the Qin blood hand quickly ran away .relationresultAre you kidding should not ,girls should have girls reserve ,which can such careless ,do not keep a little .
.. ... Behind Qin Haoyue, a middle-aged woman so far into her ear curtain .relationresultHisblood was pulled behind the ears also felt aggrieved ,hear middle-aged woman to Qin Haoyue a scolding ,his face imperceptibly and crawling with smile .
relationresultLaugh ,laugh ,you are victims ! The middle-aged woman a scolding Qin Haoyue flushed ,she also feels guilty .relationresultQin Haoyue was trying tohumble with Qin blood apology ,but inadvertently catch Qin blood smiles ,her heart apology suddenly disappear ,but out of a wronged tears in the eyes of .
relationresultSister ,I was wrong ,we should fly away ,will the woman also came to you ! See Qin Haoyue was his cry ,Qin blood a smiling face lag ,low apologized .relationresultIn order to transferthe attention of Qin Haoyue ,Qin blood and pointed behind countrywoman .
relationresultAh ... ... Qin Haoyue Wenyan a surprised, she looked back ,isn ,the woman is looking at himself in the .relationresultConfusion,Qin Hao months took Qin blood ears he flew into the air .
relationresultPoorXueguang Qin Hao Qin thinking how to please a month, did not think of Qin Hao months just fly ,but also took his ear off ,be caught off guard by Qin blood again in action, pain, tears fell ,he hurriedly running in vivo monster force ,also follow up .
relationresultThe immortal ... ... Fairy ... ... This time ,middle-aged women dared to reprimand the Qin ,but trembling body ,look at Qin Haoyue are full of fear .relationresultLichengadjacent to Yancheng ,is Wuwoon Kuniji another new city ,because of the rich variety of minerals and famous, Licheng just because of a late start, so far behind the prosperity of Yancheng .
relationresultDaddy ,do you know when the leaves office location ? Just walk into Licheng ,Qin Tianzong was caught in an old man who asked .relationresultLeaves the house ?I don ,I don you don .
.. ... To hear Qin Tianzong questioning ,the old man heard the extremely scary things in general ,he quickly got rid of Qin Tianzong entanglement ,drilling people disappear .relationresultQindays if this puzzling ,he walked all the way ,and asked a few older people ,but those who responded very much the same ,appeared on this topic are extremely taboo .
relationresultQin brother, it seems something is strange ,normally for things of the past 30 years ,even in those days ,clouds ,thousands of family money home destroyed leaves home ,it also should fade down ,how to we now also tight-lipped ? See Qin days if repeatedly rebuffed ,Chen Ergou face by his dignified look .
relationresultUnfortunately leaves Wu told me the extinction of several family leaves home ,but did not mention the leaves office location ,the people here on government affair and taboo Mo deep ,we cannot for these residents with strong ? Qin days if frowned ,not knowing what to do .
relationresultQin brother, this small thing to me is . Chen Ergou put the whip to Qin days if a plug ,he jumped out of the carriage ,walked to the middle of the street .relationresultslightly ,slightly loose money ,want to get rich folks have come out .
Chen Ergou to the central station ,the hands of the purse was he to make sound ,just for a moment ,his whole person was enclosed in three layer and three layer .relationresultWe do not worry ,as long as they can answer a question for me ,we can get an amethyst coins ,you hear Oh ,is an amethyst coins ,instead of a white crystal currency ! See people together almost, Chen two dogs to announce that the rules of the game .
relationresultThe first question ,Licheng altogether has several family ... ... , relationresultThree ! The words of Chen Ergou just fell sound ,the crowd is neatly a roar .relationresultI haven ,just answer invalid ,again .
Ye Wu hands a few times ,shouted : Licheng has a total of several families ,the three families which were three ? , relationresultChen Ergou began toquestion is very simple, as long as is a native of Licheng, almost can answer, so he will suddenly lost a dozen Gold Amethyst coins .
relationresultAlong with Chen Ergouspender ,everyone around him is accumulating ,we answer the question is also becoming more active .relationresultWhen Chen Ergouasked leaves office location ,excited to the extreme populations apparently forgot taboo ,in which a person escape one ,stated leaves office location .
relationresultQin brother, this problem is so expensive . Chen Ergou smiled back to the wagon ,he waved the purse .relationresultDon for some ,you drive ! Qin days if white Chen Ergou a look ,the whip to back into the hands of Chen Ergou ,beats by dre uk.
relationresultChen Ergouwhips up, carriage in a population of slow time in mobile .relationresultThe two man ,I don ,you let me a way out of it, I have a small under the old ,don ! The carriage had two step ,Qin talented and Chen Ergou heard with a thud ,but a man kneeling in front of the carriage .
relationresultChen Ergoulooked at ,is just replied he leaves office location of the middle-aged man ,Chen Ergou and Qin vertical-day daze of Kung Fu, middle-aged people kowtow on forehead swelling .
relationresultUncle, we won your life .You get up to speak, what is the meaning of this ? Qin Tianzong jumped off the wagon ,lifting the middle-aged man ,asked suspiciously .relationresultYou .
.. ... You are not three family ? , relationresultSee Qin Tianzongsincere eyes ,the middle-aged man froze ,unconsciously asked .relationresultWe came to Licheng for the first time ,it will ask leaves house location ,if we are three big family ,also need to charge so much trouble ? Qin days if shook his head ,for middle-aged people doubt is very confused .
relationresultI ,I is you give up .You get out of here ,while the three big families also nobody here ,you quickly escape it ,the Licheng is the three large family of Licheng ,any people in Licheng refer to leaf Jiadou will be killed ,I was also excited about the head ,staring at the little brother hand Light Amethyst coins read ,this don be made a slip of the tongue .
Hear the words of Qin Tianzong ,a middle-aged man face took on a look of desperation ,he subsequently waved ,urged Qin talented and Chen Ergou to hurry away .relationresultWant to escape ?Late ! While Qin Tianzong also want to middle-aged people ask ,a severe drinking suddenly rang in his ear , into Licheng ,but does not keep the customs in Licheng ,then I ! , relationresultfirst gave ,and recommended votes ! , relationresult(to be continued ) , relationresultThe 250th chapter the breakers , relationresultWith asevere drinking ,several burly chap appeared in the carriage around ,they together with sword point ,Chen Qin days if two dogs ,face a grim .
, , relationresultLook at thisseveral burly chap appeared ,has just been Qin days if up middle-aged body trembling ,and fell down ,and he did not even speak .relationresultThe two dogs ,left a monkey ,I would like to know what is going on ! Qin days if scanned the few burly chap ,found the quality but also the highest Zhenwu exit repair, repair low is acquired state of Wu ,he frowned ,and ordered . Related articles:

