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Real property consistency, so Yu Qing reality can play really Kowloon Shenhuo cover all power to .relationresultTheKowloon Shenhuo hood offering after fourth kalpas ,thunder crashing down, accompanied by thunder from heaven and earth ,fourth foot adults as thick as an arm of Rob ray falls in Yuqing reality overhead Kowloon Shenhuo cover ,then saw the Kowloon Shenhuo cover nine dragon is alive the same ,in Kowloon Shenhuo cover continued to walk up .
relationresultThefall in Kowloon in Shenhuo cover .Although the thunder will Kowloon Shenhuo cover bombardment continued to shock ,but eventually was absorbed as Kowloon Shenhuo cover ,not the least trace was found.
The disappeared ,Yuqing reality is by virtue of the Kowloon Shenhuo cover power against the fourth rob ray, which allow for the presence of people is extremely surprised .relationresultShushan swordsend Excalibur and primary purification South God ,two eyes are exposed the shocked look ,but they shocked not Yuqing reality can block four rob ray, but shocked Kunlun pie was so profound background ,there are so many powerful magic ,you know Yu Qing human sacrifice has Yu Xu apricot yellow and Kowloon fire cover ,each one is can be used as the town school of treasure ,they two can only be pulled out a compared with the baby, this is how they can not shocked .
relationresultOnlyby this and own Kowloon Shenhuo cover attributes ,you can fully play its full power weapon retaining the fourth rob ray Yuqing reality face is not a relaxed ,but rather more dignified ,because the Kowloon Shenhuo cover was his last rely .
relationresult , relationresultChapter 136th be in grave , relationresultKunlunsent two town group Bao in Yuqing human hands ,is in order to let Yuqing reality through Armageddon and ready ,just at the time that the two magic weapon plus crossing the golden words ,through the three nine Armageddon is almost the same ,but did not think of ,Yuqing reality in it is the six nine armageddon .
relationresultYu Xuapricot yellow because Yuqing reality physical attributes are different ,beats by dre cheap,so Yu Qing reality can not give the maximum power ,but this Kowloon Shenhuo cover different ,Kowloon Shenhuo hood and Yuqing real property consistency, and Yu Qing reality offering refining for many years ,so they can send Kowloon Shenhuo cover maximum power .
relationresultBut thisjust is a fourth rob ray, but there are still fifty-four .Next the mine, so that Yu Qing reality face more dignified again ,because it is his skill since taking the ferry with gold and made a complete recovery ,and took the Kowloon Shenhuo cover ,but then the power is more and more big fifty he is not a road rob ray grasping can spend .
relationresultInconsidering these Yuqing real time ,fifth rob ray and crashing down, direct bombardment in Yuqing man atop Kowloon Shenhuo cover ,which cover a Kowloon Shenhuo shaking ,underneath the Yuqing reality is face turned ugly ,but that a ray or .
In Kowloon Shenhuo cover up the nine gargoyles walk next to restore calm .relationresultLook at theincreasingly powerful rob ray constant bombardment ,even Shushan swords send Excalibur ,merciful God ,vegetarian static in the South China Sea and don Yuqing reality through Armageddon man is such a scene shocked ,heart very shocked, contemplating his if crossing robbery case, in the face of this the six nine Armageddon and can adhere to a few rob ray falls ?relationresultAs for Qin ShihuangYing Zheng, Archer ,hole vertical and lose Chan et al are more like to scared silly, but this is their first time to see someone crossing the Armageddon ,but did not think of transition taken actually is so dangerous, and looked at the road .
The thunder falls ,although not on their crossing robbery ,but they face is very pale ,for their own future transition taken things worry .relationresultKunlunschool head mysterious Mako ,Huaan and hole Yusan are nervously watched Yuqing reality crossing robbery ,their nature is hope Yu Qing reality can the safe crossing robbery ,achievement immortal body ,but Huaan and Xuanjin Ko is clear ,in this way ,Yuqing reality to dangerous .
But while Kong Yu tightly staring Yuqing reality crossing robbery ,but he did not want to Yuqing reality crossing robbery to succeed ,but focus on the jade Qing reality whether risk ,once the jade Qing real danger, he would rush to help .
relationresultFifthrob ray after falling ,Yuqing immortal more pale, was also a bit wobbly ,although this one was just the next two rob ray, but the two rob ray was in front of more than three power also is tremendous, make jade Qing real power consumption is very fast .
relationresultButthis time the thunder is not give Yuqing real respite in fifth ,rob ray after falling ,sixth rob ray and is in a ring from the world of thunder sound accompanied by falling down ,the sixth rob ray is thicker ,obviously this tract rob ray power must be increased a lot .
relationresultYuqingreality constantly drives their ability ,control overhead Kowloon Shenhuo hood ,once again on the sixth rob ray, only in the sixth rob ray falls in Kowloon Shenhuo cover when the cover is a surefire ,Kowloon came with a snap ring of light ,and at the same time Kowloon ,Shenhuo cover following Yuqing human body more intense shaking up ,with a blood is spit it out .
relationresultYuqingreality a blood spitting ,overhead Kowloon Shenhuo cover is also violent shaking up ,and also become more and more small ,from the original one size ,direct is shrunk to a diameter of about one metre ,drop yo-yo around ,floating in Yuqing human head ,all the time fall of the may .
relationresultSee such case,all people ,regardless of hope Yu Qing reality crossing robbery fails, or hope Yu Qing reality crossing robbery successful people are the heart pulling up ,my eyes tightly at the station there is still no fallen Yuqing reality ,while jade Qing reality although vomited a blood body ,stumbling badly, but still did not fall, eventually also firmly stand straight up my body .
relationresultLooking at thehead shake and crumble Kowloon Shenhuo cover ,Yuqing reality suddenly let out a loud laugh ,but the big laughter what is with a stirring means ,he sees Yu Qing human body red bloom ,Yuqing reality even at this moment the systemic operation skill, delivery to the overhead Kowloon Shenhuo cover .
relationresultGetYuqing reality huge skill ,the Kowloon Shenhuo cover once again become bigger ,but still did not change the initial size ,apparently Yuqing reality has been the lack of skill ,and at this time ,seventh time thunder rumbled down ,bombardment in Kowloon Shenhuo cover on .
relationresultClick clickcracked sound more obvious ,bear the seventh rob Ray Kowloon Shenhuo cover like is a violent beating of fire ,at any time to extinguish the fate, but still to insist, and Kowloon Shenhuo cover following Yuqing reality is one out of a few export blood ,body is like a shiver general shook, eventually fell on the ground .
relationresultWhile inYuqing real fall to the ground when, the Kowloon Shenhuo hood in the seventh rob Ray came next ,as is the completion of the mission ,constantly shrinking ,finally turns into a blue fly into Yuqing human body .
Yuqing reality forced to sit on the ground ,eyes look at the sky -- lose one ,snake flurry of robbing the cloud ,with a sad smile .relationresultYuqingreality that he was crossing but the six nine Armageddon ,but Yu Qing human mind is no regret ,although not through the six nine visit ,but the sector who can qualify for degrees six nine Armageddon ,who spent the six nine Armageddon ?Yuqing reality to degree six nine taken ,even if be smashed to pieces ,ashes to ashes are something to be proud of . Related articles:

