
beats by dre solo relationresult Well

A large ,then the sky air mad child ,plain sand four .Young road repair has been exclaimed : you don to cast ,immortal knack ... . , relationresultHe saw a nearly white light from the light shadowless spirit in the fleet and power ,do not hit ,waving arms ,let this aura delineates the character line stops ,has gradually formed a huge spells split segregation ,scattered into the four mist .
Zhen Fuyang bite spits out some this life really yuan ,the formation of a wall ,before he again casting ,Avision again, let students brittle wall .relationresultZhen Fuyangalmost dementia .
.. Suspended in the air, now as long as the lift arm will have a good hit, want to avoid the inevitable ,but also not much power ,is to let the spell ,which also fights what ... .
after a moment, Zhen Fuyang put on a long face down on the ground ,to oneself : ... .. Clothing ! Turn back into the team, also not hide into which a nest to cry ,it is fight too depressed !relationresultThe fourth chapter i under Chang Shun , relationresultWatch theyoung road repair is not convinced, that Yang night play means so mean ,so insidious .
You let people the long-simmering cents will play ... .. One step forward bravely ,forward ,said: was young but ,not consult the elder name ? , relationresultYang Ye let the spirit of light at the top shine ,also Baoquan Ling ,a faint smile: not at all, under the Yang night .
If not finished ,will see Yang but hands fast swing up ,looked to make a thousand of shadow ,every change out of the palm is applied from a wrist ,thickness of the spirit of thunder ,instantly see ,hundreds of Lei Yang night to split in two ,formed between a circle extremely coarse thunder light band ,ring up the fierce thunders suddenly .
relationresultThis is going to be taken by surprise Yang night ,your hands are ring wedding ,not in total flash can pinch hands will fight back .Who knows night power compact flash Yang ball does not need to Shoujue drives ,read the student moves around ,transaction is in Yang night gods wish a sense of control ,on the Yang but waved during, thunder light spewing of flash ball ,also appeared to bright ,falling out of thousands of such as silk thread aura ,like fast gave birth to numerous root colorful branches ,to the oncoming hundreds of Daolinglei winding past .
relationresultSee the light ribbon moment the thunder light around a strong ,slightly twisted ,a roar of smoke after together ,at the same time ,hundreds of roar sounded simultaneously in the two world ,burst out of the clouds suddenly everywhere ,also rolled up ground dust flying .
relationresultGradually, dust fall ,disappear in smoke ,and alarmed ,Yang but has been in numerous road light wraps around the body, hands were bound in the chest, and clutching a handprint ,far really ,want to break up ribbon .
Can a virtual holding Yang night light bulb ,continues to produce such as snake like swimming continuously ribbon ,Yang but shakes disperses one layer ,but with more intensive linger on ,actually even also stretching does not open ,want to play the escape flying escape is impossible, only desperately entangled robe ,who is had to be reduced to fragments tangle ,cloth scraps fly .
relationresultYang Wudi saw potential is not good, loudly said: this is we lost ,please stop ! , relationresultYang night cut ,laughed and said : we don it so bad ,but the attack before, to be its lessons .
, relationresultYang Wudi Wenyan unconvinced ,asked: you are older bed ,he attacked me too much ,don also let you stop him cast ,as you do not ! , relationresultOh. So, I should let you Shi Facai is ? , relationresultOf course.
No emperor Yang picture this appearance, so Yang Ye looked quite amused ,this group of people is really unreasonable, don life and death battle ,enemy can let you apply for not .
relationresult Well ,then you see ,you have what ability ! , relationresultYang Wudi Wenyan overjoyed ,he said: no emperor Yang you enlighten ! Then look into yours ,hand tiger god put soul stamp ,foot step thirteen step by Ding Gang ,then show armband around ,see the sky suddenly in the sky color ,its rays clouds with a dull ,came the far-reaching thunder .
Young bed to see color ,together toward the back exit hundred yards .Yang also appear at night to see the back of bed ,know this to evacuate soul realm of the bed to performative ,power can not be overlooked, while continuing to perform psychokinesis rapid condensation with flash ball ,while perception around the flow variation ,drew to a close .
relationresultListen to Yang no emperor mouth : the dead day north Jo, is a purple yuan ,North Kui Hyun fan ,the tiger god billion kilovolt-amperes us the wonder ,change ,science .Emergency such as bucket home oxygen ! Ode to Billy ,eyes bulging ,big growl : chi ! You see ,with the roar of spewing out of the vast psychic powers stabs ,amidst the clouds sky suddenly has a sharp ,then the clouds rolled ,Xiaguang splendor scattered torrents .
When the savings to looked ready to collapse of the moment when ,under numerous road piece scouring of light, Xingchidianche as to Yang night .relationresult Well, the bed is really not simple ,I really do not know what they had learned from them ,just look at the formula ,it is respect road can handle .
.. Pick temple is really spoil things by excessive enthusiasm . Yang night thought ,hands is not slow, cried : ! A light ball spins up ,then suddenly exploded in mid-air ,sideways out a ring to expanding flash band ,with the beam bombardment ,and concise polar band crash together, in the midair countless flowers blooming brilliantly flowers open ,transient transient Xie ,mysterious beauty not often .
relationresultYang Ye induction into the aura with actually seems to be able to support the trend ,simply shouted explosion ! Mindfulness in suddenly tight after relaxing pool ,see continuously undertake beam impact ring wall suddenly glared, in the midair explosion ,beats by dre solo,Berserker strength radially out ,earth four phase eight party ,the crack after rushing Reiki flow ,tearing up the mad volume Xia Yun ,bombardment around Baizhang ground hard shock since the number of feet came falling out ,great noise is in the mirror over the ring plain echoes ,rushed in to distant surrounded by mountains ,rolling around the mountain clouds such as towering waterfalls, straight up the sky .
relationresultMethod will not broken since the break ,Yang without God yuan nearly exhausted ,raised dust falls without edge slumped ,but Yang night without fear of the sandstorm ,around fairy clothes also ,no ash clean station in place ,hey laugh at no spare Yang Wudi .
relationresultYoung bed are flying away and ,each gas must shout abuse ,with the long pole has the tacit understanding ,almost invariably Shi sent all kinds of heart law formula ,as long as the wave excitation ,Fengyun lightning Jin Mu water fire and earth to light ,Yang night hit back, countless colored aura vow to Yang night destroyed .
relationresultFor a time, the Yang night stand little scope, thousands had raged ,raised mounds of sea mud, blazed order can not be considered burst light .Young bed are still not reconciled ,a play which is one very tactic ,bombardment .
relationresultSome random Hall Bed sees this case ,was royal the spirit ,but the person next to pull . You don ,this scene I a suzerain ,absolutely free . The man remembered ,had heard of exile bed Gang sovereign things ,this will lay down their hearts ,continue to watch .
relationresultThis a barrage ,until the ground out a huge pit was intermittent ,more than 100 young bed is a little weak ,no see Yang night are cheered ,finally put the wicked to the end ,is really a bad spirit .
.. .. , relationresultCan cheers before they hit the floor ,above a pit exudes a touch of yellow light ring ,thus breaking free flying out of a man ,general assembling overflow Bi light
dark scales ,at the foot of a handle control white shining best Feijian ,holding a stretch straight thick long tube Hei Jing Ling device look at the face ,is should die a thousand
Yang night ,then cheers suddenly transformed into exclamations, doesn ,see Yang night single hand tower ,a duh ! After being repeatedly over the mirror ,plain cast together and Related articles:

