
Monster Beats o the nothing import

Moxa Lisa's real strenght isn't weak either how much.
Cang Ao ……did you can once exceed this pass?The look in the eyes of absolute being became extremely deep to get up.
Again after being an attack, leaf Zheng's amount of blood again descended nearly 30,000!This for a while, his amount of blood became very dangerous to get up, 20,000 blood quantity ……again once thus of is certain to die towards bumping, that he!
Moxa Lisa allowed leaf Zheng to fall back to go out, didn't make track for shot.Physically, she is also clear, to leaf Zheng, , with her attack dint, isn't qualified.
"Now, is isn't that it's my turn to say to you:Admit defeat!"Moxa Lisa chilly way.
In the leaf's Zheng eyes cold long grass flicker not stop, also not know is just thinking what.
Is breathed after sighing, moxa Lisa's look in the eyes is colder:"Can I can't say like this!You, only die in battle just!"
Now, also have what way obtain victory?All the many people beginning contained doubt like this.All thinking isn't that Long Wang isn't enough strong, and blue Mo Tian Yi fights and has already explained a lot of things.
But, the ability of this rebound really is ability the physical occupation of the disgusted dead innumerable!How can there is the ability to go against so a sky?
Leaf Zheng light way:"Your caution ……" he knows that the words that Lisa of moxa speaks are what mean.This isn't a kind of taunt, is supporting one of his dignity!What he cans make, but can be one to remind!
The one step steps, leaf Zheng appears at moxa Lisa of aroused numerous people after death of surprised shout of voice.These people are all moxa Lisa's emollient supporter.
Leaf Zheng has what ability, moxa Lisa again clear however, see the split second of the other party disappearance, immediately raised a vigilance!
The energy package of red silk thread has an oneself.This time, leaf Zheng in no case dares to take the offensive!Otherwise, this shot, then can let this game end!Force to back him, moxa Lisa canned once turn round to continue to entwine with the other party!
"Our everybody is have no alternative ……if you lost ……that honor, I will definitely take back for you!Which afraid the opponent is blue Mo Tian, I in no case will lose as well!"Moxa Lisa swears like this.
But, descend a moment, let numerous matters with shocked person take place!
See red silk thread energy, leaf Zheng has no of deadlock, incredibly make moves!Lance mercilessly sting to moxa Lisa's empress carry on the back!
Wasn't he and desperately?Numerous people are surprised to shout, even a lot of players all cannot help but shutting a double eye ……Long Wang, also want to hurt?
But, connect the business of coming down the occurrence to make the owner all shocked,Monster Beats!
The lance mercilessly once wore moxa Lisa's empress to carry on the back!That position ……is moxa Lisa's heart!But look back leaf Zheng, he didn't suffer from any injury!
Chapter 471 is him solution heart knot
[()The bedlamite hand beats]last one war of eight strong wars, truely speak of, time isn't long
Even, the 2 people roots didn't use what extremely recruit but the superiors know it in heart, this is normal victory or defeat of these 2 people'ses, don't need what pomp beautifully and greatly recruit, simple of a sword wear heart, all right already ……
"Tell me …… you …… is how …… attain ……"
This a words that is the moxa before Lisa disappear, finally speak
Leaf Zheng the very foolish station is present up, appearing lost in thought of Leng Leng who can not also comprehend he the mood at this time has what complications to personally cut to kill a women whom he likes ……even if this feelings has never put the clear side comes up, but, that kind of is painful, but is unspeakable
"Stupid woman …… don't you know that I have been all aming progressing?Like you ……that flows back and truely take shape of time realm rule, I successfully attained ……"mumbling to oneself in, leaf Zheng extruded a smiling face eyes that is difficult to see in radiant twinkle, but strong endure always don't flow down
Deliver ray of light to shine after being 30, eight strong the war finally ended ……
The matter here is one be over, leaf Zheng didn't say more what, direct run to the gathering of area in Atlanta order and explode the Yan war brigade outside between the rests
The sign that explodes a Yan war brigade is very obvious, asked several individuals, can find out this is the sign of group leader association, it are so low-key to can't be like them
Compare, truely can get into the player of courageous arena view war, also just one part of leaf Zheng arrival, didn't present a true character, but took a person skin mask of
The archduke will have the vehemence of archduke meeting, the rest of Lien Chan's brigade outside is also have guard of can guard a door for superior of own war brigade, this is also a kind of honour and, this is rich to take of also the nothing important throw a person not to throw the person's parlance
"Stop, do you want to do what?"Several individuals hurtled to come up and blocked leaf Zheng of don't make him close to the rest of fighting the brigade to the road
Leaf Zheng Leng Leng, obviously and unexpectedly will meet this circumstance to knit the brows to just want to make these people step aside, but turn to read a to think:Oneself comes ……also not for seeing her one noodles of, and why the need for many matters?Meet ……can say what?
What person is leaf Zheng ?Although don't truely go to move, a mind rises, the strong vehemence of that recessiveness lets these players that guard a door have some to support to lived not and shockingly draws out own weapon in succession and towarded leaf Zheng
"Do you want to do what?"
Leaf Zheng took out a box naturally, the noodles packed here of would be the silk stockings of that exorbitant price this is the wager invite ……
"Take this thing to your president of associations ……" his free alliance language says still a bit not smoothly but also was unlikely to expose hoof
"Walk to walk, our president of association is what person, how may want your to break trick?"A female warrior impatient way although just leaf Zheng pay no attention the vehemence of surprised lived them, , want where here am, they also not afraid
The king of Yan is easy to handle, the little devil is difficult to tie up, and this truth leaf Zheng is also understand
He doesn't think this time with these people rise what conflict, way:"This is with the engagement of your president of association, she will receive"
The that female warrior doesn't know not is some nerve the big still keep being the way of despise this time:"You walked with this and recruited the persons who give presents for our president of association much to go to, early dated"
Leaf Zheng is a bit in distress situation if another words of circumstance, he is just lazy to say more with these people what, directly beat in to isn't all problem
"Don't easily make decision without authorization, if what I said is true, perhaps you are can not bear responsibility" is helpless, leaf Zheng can the tough way finish saying, direct threw the box to in another person's hand, turn round and then walk
An a bit public in every aspect and mutually Qu, unexpectatively met a such a peculiar matter be break their head, they perhaps also surprisingly, this person will be just just vanquished moxa Lisa's Long Wang
The warrior of female in"threw to throw" is impatient of called to look, she should be a publically lead the way
The person who holds box in"but ……" is a bit hesitant the vehemence mainly being leaf's Zheng performance to come out isn't ordinary people to own
"Nothing important but pack mysterious, wanted men who see president of association one noodleses much to go to, you again aren't have never seen I dare to make a bet, that person affirmation is a bumpkin" female the warrior is the way of despise very much isn't that she has never seen to die noodles, but the matter for once seeing is getting tooer many, developed a kind of wishful habit
Just in this time, but three fires are to urgently and in a hurry rush through back to fight one be over, moxa Lisa deliver to return to rest, he cans not help worrying, naturally direct rushed through back
"What is the row?"See a public where say what, invite to hear around unclearly what"threw" of type of, three fires not from interrogatively ask a way
"Pair president of association" is public to salute
Immediately after, that female warrior just of the matter said 1 time
Three fires stared that female warrior one eye:"Aught, this things all send to the president of association of, is that you can make main?"Come down for several years, three fires are still very high in prestige in the meeting, drive he this stares, female Related articles:

