
cheap beats by dre n highest point and

A bottom sits on the sandy beach and in poor fettlely sighs a way.
Dreamlike space in, Chen Yang crosses legs to sit in silence in the wood basin, the body presents fire red on each inch skin, extremely gorgeous, radiant and extremely keen.
The time of the third passes by, Chen Yang was also a self-discipline for about a month.
At present, Chen Yang is to absorb all of the marrows of the deathless Phoenix in the wood basin the chain turn, the Cui body is to complete.
After, a short moment's Chen Yang's body on of fire the red ray of light slowly disappear, immediately the conversion becomes a golden color, finally all ray of lights thoroughly refrain from rash action, and Chen Yang opens eyes and grows a body but rises.
Violent physical endowment, terrible motion deeply sends out to come, collapse the wood basin of its foot in a twinkling ground, feel to strengthen many physical endowments once again, Chen Yang is also extremely of delight.
At present, two Cui bodies are successful, the crack sky points a heavy is also self-discipline completion, all whole preparation is ready, is exactly get into hospital in a sky of.
Is tiny tiny on smiling, Chen Yang refrains from rash action body on of breathing, leave dreamlike space, arrived at battlefield on.
See green green one face of absolute being monster of bitter and astringent, also have it the top of head on continuously call father of runt, Chen Yang the moment is petrochemical.
"Daddy, father?"Chen Yang feels the thirsty tongue is dry, does it make the absolute being monster green to hatch from eggs and incredibly become father of deathless Phoenix?
See Chen Yang come out, the absolute being monster green moment rushed toward to come up, but was easily avoided being seen in the past by Chen Yang and said with a smile:"How?"
"Your boy still smiles, if be not hatch from eggs this egg for you, big Ye can I become father?Didn't°yet be near to lead sex."The roaring loud of absolute being monster green exasperation is a , immediately would be Da draw down head.
Chen Yang smiled to shake to shake head to say:"Is not this little guy mother sex?You can consider consideration."
"Test your younger sister, big Ye I like Qi Lin."The absolute being monster green Nu scolds a way.
"Like, don't make, I want to get into for a sky, hospital, you make the teacher will hang to fall to print."Chen Yang's complexion is serious to get up to say.
Hear this speech, the absolute being monster is green is also no longer put blame on, the air seriously says:"Get into for a sky, hospital in want to notice a safety, if appear special circumstances, must notify us, seal to print to untie, greatly not leave courageous college."
Hear green this speech of absolute being monster, Chen Yang is also very delighted, although quarrels noisily in normal times,the turning point is still not unclear.
"Boon, this small guy you also look after,beats by dre studio."Chen Yang says and sees toward that small Phoenix.
Probably there is the marrow of deathless Phoenix inside the Chen Yang's body, so the small guy isn't frightened at all, on the contrary feel very warm.
"Like, set out."Chen Yang Di drinks a , absolute being monster the green and small guy accept into hang and fall to in, turn round to leave.
Ground hospital square on, ten thousand sides in the dragon precipice, numerous courageous colleges all of young strongs of one generation early and early arrived at here and waited for into hospital in a sky.
Send this freshman into for a sky, the elder of hospital is to have been already come, many strong have been already together arrived, only differ Chen Yang Yi of person.
"This boy, run to where go?"Zhao Mang and emperor just jade 2 people and Chen Yang relate to quite good, all knit the brows from the language way.
"How to haven't come yet Chen Yang?"Segment autumn soft Xiao the Ling Yue Ji personses are also really doubt.
Chen extremely handsome United States in Chu sky, because the cause of the self-discipline Xiang Jue in the sky, the qualities is detached big-hearted, extremely of gentleness, sway for rare beautiful man just and coolly signing by the side of the precipice at this time, not.
This Chen scheming in Chu sky not and it may be said and not and deeply sinks, Chen Yang its Chu Xiang old nests for believing in in the sky all gave to carry, it incredibly canned also mutually see but smile with Chen Yang and could bend and unbent, probably big machine.
The Mu permits ice a white dress win snow, the dress Mei floats Jue, 3,000 green silks move with the breeze dance, like pretty woman in painting generally and extremely of fantasy, but icy cold of the reality is signing over there at this time, air icy cold.
The youth man who is named Xue Wen Hao always with permit an ice body side in the Mu, as to it's extremely slaver, at this time heart in is also a continuous sneer, secretly of hope Chen Yang can miss time.
Just at public wait for of, a figure is rapid of since the distance hurtled.
See figure for distance, Zhao Mang and segment soft all of several people are extremely happy for autumn, they still really fear that Chen Yang becomes courageous college to open a hospital of one person, dry this etc. gets into for a sky, hospitals will be late of matter.
However, treat when that shadow of human figure arrive at here, public just discover bearer not Chen Yang, but it of younger brother Liu Tang.
Liu Tang is originally the territory of inborn highest point and fixs for, ask for help of the marrow of the deathless Phoenix, on this the sixth in without a break self-discipline, finally come to an and turn absolute being state, the physical endowment is to have to build up.
Stipulate and turn the strong of absolute being state according to the courageous college, as long as the age matches to would be to get into for a sky, hospital, Liu Tang has already matched a condition.
See an arrival a person Chen Yang not, Zhao Mang Duan autumn soft several people once again wrinkly the eyebrows worried, Chen Yang of doubt in heart went where.
"Elder, time has already soon arrived, is exceed time and would be to give up on the whole?"At this time, Xue Wen Hao smiles to ask that elder.
"It is quite good."That elder ordered to nod and immediately said:"Hospital in the sky solicited students to request, person can't not respect, lateness is also on the whole therein."
"Boon, that Chen sun to is all future now, thinking necessarily will not come, even if come is also be late, there is no opportunity."Xue Wen Hao's corner of mouth is tiny to raise of say.
Hear this speech, Zhao Mang of Xue Wen Hao, segment the autumn is soft, emperor just jade all of several people are that the eyebrowses are tiny wrinklies, lookinging at of look in the eyes iciness Xue Wen Hao, but have no way, Chen Yang if true lateness, perhaps would be and lose into qualificationses in it.
"Eldest brother affirmation will come."Even now, saying of Liu Tang voice firmness.
"Eldest brother?"Xue Wen Hao disdains to of glimpse looks so-so Liu Tang, immediately burst to say with smile:"Did Chen Yang that country bumpkin incredibly return a scholar house to lay up younger brother?Ha ha ……"
"What do you say?"Liu Tang's eyebrow pours Shu, the fist holds of the Mao Ca make to ring, staring at of look in the eyes iciness Xue Wen Hao.
"How?Defy spirit?"Xue Wen Hao sneers at one to ask a way.
The desire of"you ……" Liu Tang just talked, but was the voice that was together acquainted with to interrupt.
"Liu Tang need not dispute and waste argument with a crazy dog that bites a person indiscriminately everywhere."Chen Yang and sun pair in Europe hospital's figure appears in the public front.
See Chen Yang approach, public also is to peep out a smile, otherwise this Xue the text Hao keep on saying so, perhaps public all be cannot helping but making moves.
Chen Yang just returned to college and woulded be to seek a sun pair hospital in Europe and said that Liu Tang is also the hospital that sent into a sky, and as to it's promised that Liu Tang's natural endowments and perseverance absolutely suited, the sun pair hospital in Europe was to gladly promise and together came with Chen Yang.
Xue Wen Hao's facial expression thoroughly of dark come down, killing of eyeful idea, the desire just began, but is discovered sun in Europe pair the hospital is by the side of its body and at that moment woulded be to endure the fury in the heart, didn't come forward.
"Chen Yang gets into for a sky, hospital has you good-looking."The voice of Xue Wen Hao's iciness spreads into Chen Yang's ear.
And Chen Yang then at smile with one stem the person wait chat and directly neglect Xue Wen Hao, this undertaking is also the latter for letting Be getting greater anger, the faces all have some distortion.
See Xue Wen Hao such, the Mu permits an ice eyes in is also a flash across is one silk abhorrence, however didn't say what.
Always, Xue Wen Hao is aiming at Chen Yang, while Chen Yang is to pre-eminently make moves to counter-attack, Xue Wen Hao is also the elder that sends inside its household to cut to kill Chen Yang, can imagine, 2 Chen Yang and Xue Wen Haos' combat, necessarily will bomb however break out in the hospital in sky, even if the turtle of Xue Wen Hao's honesty shrinks, Chen Yang will also make moves on one's own initiative.
Be subjected to the next spirit, and as for insurance that once emitted, being not that sort easily and then can conclude.
PS:the second send to more and beg to recommend a ticket!
Chapter 174 hospital in the sky
Ten thousand sides in the dragon precipice, young strongs of one generation all arrive together, is filling the air the color of heavy expectation in the each person's eyes.
Hospital in the sky that the genius monster swarms about has to have no to each person with the temptation dint that the Lun compares.
The this trip sends this freshman into for a sky, the elder of hospital sees time arrive, Zhang Kou blew a whistle, the together huge dark shadow woulded be to fly to come up from 10000 and condescended to come in the square on.
This five rank iron that is after a head of variation lead carries on the back a gold vulture, attackstoning the dint is very violent, all of the elders controling it are fixing of Wu Sheng peak state for, otherwise have no Related articles:

