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Matter of fact and Wang Xuewei almost ,show he was there with her eyes closed resting ,the actual heart inside also wondering how to deal with him and Wang Xuewei and Liu Xiaofei relations .
Oh. In addition to a Chu Qiutang ,but Chu Qiutang seems to have been Wang Xuewei accepted, so now is to see Wang Xuewei and Liu Xiaofei, they can be in peace .If can peaceful coexistence ,mutual non-aggression certainly is best, but once they do ,rather than to a run for it .
.. ... That he should do? , relationresultWho liveda week white road ,until the aircraft is in the downtown of a building roof when landing ,Zhou Ziwei did not have a clue .And when he saw the city only distance so little time ,there was such a big gap ,immediately left the heart trouble ,transferred his line of sight .
relationresultZhou Ziweiwas just leaving here for a few days time ,but then came back, he found himself has some not know this city ,especially the helicopter landed this building ,looked down from the top of the building ,street vehicles like a ant like, this highly .
.. ... If it is a must have at least a fifty or sixty layer ?relationresultZhou Ziweiremember ,before the city is only twenty-two ,and that in a blink of an eye, and even a skyscraper .
In addition to their feet the building ,urban area,beats by dre cheap, in addition to more than four or five buildings still unfinished building ,regardless of which one buildings look than originally the highest building is much higher .
relationresultTop of the plane was slowly turning, Zhou Ziwei and Wang Xuewei face the strange and familiar city involuntarily deep feeling multifarious really ,there is no hurry off the plane ,but at this time there are a line of more than a dozen people have rushed from the helicopter back to trot out .
relationresultZhou Ziwei did notuse the soul scanning ,there is no deliberate attention to improve listening to surroundings ,but in the helicopter propeller roar ,he still seemed like a heart felt something, suddenly looking back, suddenly saw a familiar faces .
.. ... , relationresultLiu Xiaofei,Luan ,Zhou Zixu ,Ge ,Yelv zoned Yelv small crisp ,a large ,two ... ... , relationresultAlthough Zhou Ziweifeels he and those who did not leave long, but now see the faces of his return and excited to cry face ,Zhou Ziwei can some moved up ,even to think of the pilot bit plane of a few degrees go through fire and water at the scene, that was in the 006 robot asked him would you like to open a side channel ,if he wanted a hot head ,in the world to stay one more time ,obtains some words of interest ,he will have no chance to meet people in front of you .
.. ... Zhou Ziwei was then a reincarnation is feeling , relationresultAnd Wang Xuewei together tojump out of helicopters ,hurried to meet those people walking slowly past ,his face with a faint smile ,her eyes brimming with faint mist ,then he was to walk in front of the Liu Xiaofei and Luan hold on the arms .
relationresultTwo of all womenlike her mother abandoned her years children finally found his family like, sad sad hugged Zhou Ziwei ,closely around Zhou Ziwei waist ,the eyes can not suppress mercilessly wiping tears in Zhou Ziwei dress up .
relationresultOnlyZhou Ziwei strange ,obviously feeling is soft ,slippery ,but I don but let life give a like * * .Tears get in the above ,as if the water dropping in wax cloth on it, even don wet the silver white suit, all together ,along with Zhou Ziwei all drop down, then dropped on the ground ,www.monsters-ol.com,was not in Zhou Ziwei clothes left a trace , relationresultLiu Xiaofei wasterrified terrified, she instinctively felt Zhou Ziwei, it seems to be some beautifully ,but at this time is obviously not care about Zhou Ziwei clothes cloth when, she couldn force in Zhou Ziwei waist to pinch a ,while crying a little ,a side whispered asked said: a liar.
,you said ,cheap beats by dre... ... You only stay with the king sister play would be back in a few days ?But ... ... Why do you take this is three years . ... ... This is what your clothes you how so weird ,I had to pinch you into the soft flesh , relationresultThe originalheart of Liu Xiaofei hates Zhou Ziwei to not the least trace was found.
,the pinch is hard, but it is the soft suit is suddenly tense up ,like iron hard ,should put the hand of Liu Xiaofei Luo get a sore ,but can pinch to the week Zi Wei a little flesh .
relationresultZhou Ziwei isa weak smile ,said: you want to pinch me, wait in a place where there are no people I let you put enough good? Well ... ... I never thought this time would take such a long time ,knew it then ,I will say nothing will go .
.. ... Alas ... ... You don ,this time I almost got you never meet one day , relationresultAh ... ... How is it that you ... ... There are no ... ... Liu Xiaofei was going to ask Zhou Ziwei out anything ,hurt ,but see Zhou Ziwei healthy, and complete way ,this nonsense never ask ,just because of the fear of Zhou Ziwei ,had previously that share grievances is out .
relationresultBoss.I haven as you so irresponsible boss I need not Liu president this business unique materials instead of you up running the company ,now he knows what will become of him ,I paid millions do not know can not get , relationresultThe sidealso made in Zhou Ziwei Luan Yuqing tone, said: some sour .
.. ... I am your personal secretary ,and personal assistant .But you to go out do not take me around it make others think I am the personal assistant to eat free to eat well ... ...
No, you are now the simply dispensers now but the richest man ,I can get a good knock you out of it, you have to give me the spirit loss fee ... ... Every year one million ,too ? , relationresultZhou Ziweihand gently squeeze Luan top small nose ,said : you see the miser ,in front of the boss money .
.. ... Ha-ha. However, before more than three million ,your appetite just so-so ,turn yourself to the financial department to get money ,brother give you five million good? The remaining

