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In a tight pants ,turtleneck sweater ,covered by a windbreaker dress ,also wearing a pair of sunglasses ,appears to be very mysterious woman ,Disney park .relationresultWomanalthough sleeved with a windbreaker ,still also conceal her tall ,exquisite shape ,large format sunglasses ,was beautiful ,just to shoulder silver white hair ,a wave-shaped curl, the woman - Charlize Theron .
relationresultLast night,the summer business once more the two meet ,Charlize - Theron promises they agreed to play together ,is today Disney park .relationresultLosangeles county is located in theDisney Park ,is from the world masters of architecture ,google,pierce spent 3 years of meticulous construction completed ,the first in the world of Disney Park ,here is an adventure in the world ,the western frontier ,the fairy tale world ,toy kingdom and the future world and so many tourist attractions ,annual not only to attract a large number of local people to come to play ,also attracted many visitors come here ,of course ,is more people or children and adults .
relationresultLikethe Xia and Shang ,Charlize - Theron two Hollywood stars ,appear together in the case here, but is somewhat funny .relationresultBut,see all the interesting things ,all the time since, is busy in his career of Charlize Theron ,at this moment ,seems to put down all things ,be overcome by one of his charming smile .
relationresultSeeCharlize Theron happy smile ,Xia and Shang is not by her atmosphere infection ,two quick steps came to her side ,half make fun of : Charlie, you say we do this calculate a date? , relationresultAfter thehearing ,Charlize Theron suddenly giggled ,temporarily between beautiful appearance ,make all round many passers-by ,surprised his white one : you this guy ,he has a girlfriend ,I also want to pursue ? , relationresultTwo individuals dating it must be said that the pursuit of ? Xia and Shang not picked to pick the moment ,then changed the subject, his face with a vague smile : however ,in China, there is an old saying called a quiet and modest maiden ,a gentleman , to you for such a beautiful woman ,I want to pursue you ,this also is very normal ! , relationresultUpon hearing this,Charlize - Theron is a charming smile ,but ,in his words ,is not too concerned about .
relationresult(well, the day before yesterday today yesterday more eight thousand ,seven thousand ,six thousand ...Finally found ,he is really very lazy ,it looks like a few days back to day five thousand volume ,self contempt .
..Fight for tomorrow more some more ...Brothers ,give comfort ..) .relationresult#!relationresultChapter two one eight presents , relationresultChapter two one eightpresents , relationresultChapter two one eightpresents , relationresultAlthough Disneyparadise of various playgrounds in contrast ,more attractive to children ,but it is clear now ,Xia ,Charlize - Theron two has been completely will mind gets into it ,and experience the thrill of adventure world ,feel the dream world of fairy tales ,since interesting toy kingdom of nostalgia, at last ,two people even experience a Pirates .
WWW ,relationresultOh !For a long time without playing so happy . When two people are really some tired, then sit in the rest of the bench, this time, Charlize - Theron is also often stretched my waist ,graceful figure suddenly presents s ,stunning ,Shashi attractive .
relationresult,I have long time not so relaxed ,however ,today and you can play with the beautiful Disney Park ,it is memorable . To hear Charlize Theron so said ,Xia and Shang also is not long out of breath ,gently close your eyes ,feel the relaxed atmosphere .
relationresultHiswords ,it is not lying ,since Smith released since, he still has time to rest, in addition to the company business is busy busy film preparation work ,or the release of the film work ,even this Christmas together with new year not like today relaxed .
relationresultItis free, still need to Angelina a few people carry out ,Facebook,play a day in addition to their cause ,is to stay at home ,not a good thing ,at the moment, the heart not by secretly think summer business .
relationresultFor the summerbusiness mind, Charlize - Theron is not clear, but the other ,would make her feel very happy ,after all, as the woman, are like others to praise her lovely ,this point ,though she also cannot avoid custom .
relationresultCharlizeTheron turned around ,face with a slightly drunk look around the young man eye ,she had to admit ,this is a very charming man ,young ,much gold, plus outstanding talent ,and good reputation ,with him always let me to indulge among them, it is no wonder that so many people love him .
relationresultThink ofthe Xia and Shang him a few women ,Charlize - Theron also can not help but is slightly jealous heart ,however ,she is not the kind of woman that anthomaniac ,the hearts of some to their own ideas ,suddenly a sigh ,vanished ,think of to just play the Pirates adventure game ,it is the movement ,not by asked : summer ,heard you to shoot a film to Pirates as the theme movie ? , relationresultHowever ,the cooperation is in the two or three months before they have been identified .
..How can you suddenly ask ,want to play the heroine of the film ? Hearing that, the Xia and Shang and not too strange person will know this thing, after all, in the last year, there is a period of time ,it happened in Hollywood is passed raise a Babel of criticism of ,Charlize Theron knows it, there .
relationresultAndmake him pay attention, Charlize - Theron is the Pirates of the Caribbean heroine of interest ...The previous film company ,Disney shot the film ,its heroine Elizabeth swahn is by the famous British actor Kayla - starring Knightley .
relationresultFrom99 years of release Star Wars Episode in Natalie Portman ,to show the charm of soccer video I love Beckham ,and then to excite people . Pirates of the Caribbean ,the rose of England has undergone striking off the change, and the Pirates of the Caribbean is her more famous for, can say this film because of her existence ,and had added a lot of color ,let the world remember this although not flesh ball go ,but unusually attractive actresses .
relationresultBut itcan not be denied ,97 years now ,Kayla Knightley is just a year only twelve year-old small girl ,whether it is acting, or age ,there is no doubt that can not be competent Pirates of the Caribbean: this film ,if a company wants to be in the near future, or nearly two years ,cnn.
The film ,Xia and Shang to be sure Pirates of the Caribbean heroine is definitely not Kayla - Knightley .relationresultIn contrast,around the Charlize - Theron was Elizabeth swahn the heroine of the appropriate personnel ,Charlize not only has beautiful appearance ,have a sexy body ,is also a performing talent ,starred in Pirates of the Caribbean heroine ,can be competent ,so for a time, summer Shangcai so temptation a question .
relationresultThis is an invitation? Charlize Theron ask a smile ,and no direct answer ,but asked .relationresultYou can be invited . Summerly business casual smile ,for can persuade each other as the heroine of the film ,he did not care too much about ,after all, just also be random question .
relationresultIf this is the case ,I think I will promise ,but there is a premise ,this film is not in this year . Charlize Theron - some meditations on thought, the Xia and Shang mischievous Related articles:

