
cheap beats by dre Q5n%F

Destroy the planet known as the nuclear weapons !relationresultWell ,this time I must want Zhou Yu dead man ! Sang Ben village crazy laugh .relationresultWang Liangzhihearts dark regret unceasingly: self and this crazy guy ,really right ?Don the hundreds of years of business also compensate go in ,then ,won see an array of ancestors !relationresultHowever,since the matter has already started ,it is not his to choose .
relationresultMulberry Benjun ,use the nuclear weapons do not need to be careful ,otherwise we Wang you and on the Empire will be in big trouble ! The king ordered the conscience .relationresultSang Benvillage took a drink : rest assured ,as long as Zhou Yu is dead ,who would know it ,in order to kill him ,I and Imperial Japan dispatched two three strength ,five four the strength of the master ,and then we will he y ò uinto an unmanned asteroids ,and then detonation of nuclear weapons ,he even if much ,face even the planet can destroy the last nuclear weapons can how ,cheap beats by dre?Even though he was not killed ,but escaped our master sent around to kill ? , relationresultWang Liangzhisecretly nod ,the plot is simple, but it should be efficient : ,I Wang to a three master two master four ! , relationresultrelationresult.
.relationresultThe 118th chapter one rescue !relationresultIttook two or three days ,Zhou Yucai from the source star arrived at the day star ,several continuous teleport ,had appeared in the Qin satisfying their dormitory .
WWW ,relationresultQinheart they were kidnapped ,lark ,these days, their hearts are very anxious ,Zhou Yu go soon ,everyone is tired face ,apparently without a good rest .Zhou Yu nodded to them : see ,I came back, didn you the news ? Zhou Yu lost .
relationresultWell ,the other responding are master ,real sound s ètowalk alone is too simple !Cue too little . Qin Kexin said, Yu ,you the source star things well ? , relationresultZhou Yu nodded: well, you still have to have a rest ,you have a look you ,all against the black eye ,the other to kidnap you ,will be moving, as long as you know where ,I will put my back ! Zhou Yu hearts dark hate :as a man, even their own NV people are not well protected, it is too failed !relationresultNo matter who he is, I must make you life dilemma ! Zhou Yu vowed .
relationresultThe dragon hascool ,Qin Kexin and lark is apparently Zhou Yu cool !relationresult,someone sent a message ,do you want to see ? White .relationresultZhou Yuhearts ,hastily : soon ,tell me what ! Qin can they wanted to listen to Zhou Yu to rest ,heard this ,immediately stopped .
This information ,ten * * is made to the kidnappers !relationresultZhou Yu ,you have the flying saucer ,take off immediately ,after ten hours, I want to be in the South Galaxy Hei key star see you ,remember ,you alone ,if more than one person ,lark would be less of a hand, two more people ,less two hands ,so the beautiful people ,to tell the truth I really somewhat could not do !Hundred ,Lei ,day school ,these days but took quite a number of people ,believe me ,if you do as what we said words ,lark unscathed to you ,we don kill the lark under three ! In addition to this, there is a lark has been locked in a room video .
relationresultImaging in thelark ,a slight smile ,but the blue eyes is Zhou Yu ache !relationresultDo you really want togo there alone ,beats by dre cheap? Qin can worry about tunnel .relationresultYes men ,they this is clearly a trap ,you go but good in their plan ! Daffodil - frowns .
relationresultIf you are saying,but they do know ,Zhou Yu will go !relationresultWeekYurou track: you rest assured, with the strength ,even if hit, run it was no problem at all !I have a look ,which is the bastard had bear heart the vagrant ,trying to hit you ! That the latter ,Zhou Yu even intraocular light flash ,who fear partly hidden and partly visible .
The NV strength is weak, but still feel a cold ,Zhou Yu found their discomfort ,quickly converges to a murderous !relationresultAlas ,this time strength too fast ,control force feel inadequate, motionless to affect others ,www.monsters-ol.com! Zhou Yu heart sighs .
relationresultAinitial stage, it is Zhou Yu strength ,time of a year ,from an ordinary person achieved this ,this is too awful !You know, even if a talented person ,to achieve such success, they are better for decades ,or even a lifetime have no chance of this realm !A strength ,dynamic read can move off the river ,to strike ,a population of millions of big city will become a ruin !relationresultSuchas speed ,although not say Zhou Yu is the fastest ,but is definitely able to top of the spear !relationresultHowever,unexpectedly stage too fast ,not all is well, strength too soon ,for their own strength control problems ,if in a state for long, for the strength of their own can be hundred percent over ,even as in battle to extraordinary play !And like Zhou Yu, its own power control ,combat experience has not a small problem .
relationresultA yeartime ,you can count on his battle experiences like those practicing dozens of years people rich ?But Zhou Yu also won the ancient too cheap, he left memory, about a fight a lot, but others ,after all ,not their own experience to come deep !relationresultBad guy ,we let Grandpa to check this information ?! Dragon Cher suggested .
relationresultZhou Yueyes ,and dark : check it, but I do not think too much of the harvest ,ten * * this is only a small fish to it, or simply the organization to find a scapegoat ,let him send this information to people to kill ! , relationresultI told grandpa .
Dragon Snow road .relationresultNo, you have been watching ! Zhou Yu smiled , dragon old ,trouble you ! , relationresultThe dragon in the dayslaughs : Zhou Yu you not really ,even the gods wish I were good ,I feel ,that the orders down to check this one ,but you really prepare a person to travel to ? , relationresultGrandpa ,you why aside reading ah ! Dragon Spirit son angrily muttered .

