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, or R country police seize repatriation accept sanctions ,although with Bai Sufei. Time only a few days ,but intuitively know that Bai Sufei is not so simple like surface ,can carry thousands of lives ,fled abroad, still be leisurely and carefree ,so young to have such drive, will stage a comeback date, they follow him will make a career ,followed him later ,that kind of thing will never happen again on my own .
relationresultThenpunch a wine to that group of R country underworld yelled ,Replica Louis Vuitton.relationresultEight ga ! The group of the underworld boss next to a man ,see Bai Sufei is so rampant ,crevasse blew out ,how can they stand two around the age of 20 the boy on their show .
relationresultEightGA was an outlet ,heard a bang ! A loud ,a wine bottle dropped on his head .relationresultBottlering ,those late-night NV Lang would have screamed ,special s è ,meet a shithole will shout ,called sound is larger than .
relationresultNeedless to say,the black community to see his people are playing ,the mouth shouted Lu à n seven or eightbad words at the Bai Sufei two .relationresultWith a sneer,picked up the bottle will start around ,white Sufei instant pack of 6, while Ye Can was still in the other two people to fight !relationresultThis kid to good, training is also a great help to the future .
Bai Sufei looked on ,and without help .relationresultBoss Ye Canjianmoment .6 ,secretly surprised ,he was born with a heart of brute force ,in the country also have done quite a lot of work ,usually for one or two J ī ngstrong man also be nothing difficult ,but have not seen fighting so cow B īpeople,men also started up ,see the same ,take a can bottle .
The remaining two people .relationresultTakethe two individuals, leaf can heart Shuang ,laughing : really he NV good gas ,the sons of bitches ancestors decades ago in China run amuck ,this is to the people long back face .
, relationresultTo pick up eight people ,will get you Gao Xingcheng ?You have a brute force ,but does not fight, after the time to teach you . Bai Sufei light road .relationresultColumbia ,are you too good ,want to know what my village fight never lost ,hey ,no wonder the Columbia is thousand people cut ,as long as you are willing to teach me ,I will be 100 cut, and so you become the million people cut ,I become a thousand people cut ,even countries to punish me ,let me kill enough of this helps turtle grandson ,also value .
I hate small leaf of RB can expect to follow the white Sufei stem small RB ,even if you die in exile, or subject to sanctions ,that without shame .relationresultThen you look at the performance,replicalouisbags, if performance is good ,I promise to bring you back to the motherland ,not subject to sanctions ,will also be out of recognition .
Bai Sufei gave the leaf can sell a matter .relationresultTwo of themsay is Chinese language ,the R help people to understand .relationresultEspeciallyfor the hosts NV ,scared all shrinkage in a heap ,see frame finished, he wanted to escape from the room ,but Bai Sufei had lived ,but also just stay where you are .
relationresultBai Sufeihand was heavy, but not so as to let the gang killed ,so Ye Canduan turned to water ice ,they threw up rolling belt up and ran out of the room .relationresultThenthe drink in the room ,the play ,the hostess has many long good ,especially the one named Sui Kura NV Lang ,not only look good, development is good ,although there is no Bai Sufei XXOO her interest ,hand on the cheap but no less ,know Bai Sufei ill ,Sui Kura dare to resist .
relationresultGroan and moanmoan y í n,also kept begging for mercy, Bai Sufei doesn what she was saying, Ba Chanichi realized that translation ,NV is seeking white Sufei put them away ,saying that help the underworld is well-known local bully ,called turtle rice tissue ,( R Gang seems to have no Gang said, they called themselves the organization ) being ,must go back please help ,even for a moment to be affected .
relationresultBai Sufeidoes not know those people back please help me ,laugh again and again, labor and other is help to have a look ,you be opinionated Samurai J ī ngGod how much .relationresultSee Bai Sufeisneer ,the NV immediately closed mouth did not dare to speak out .
relationresultrelationresult..relationresult373 attracted much attention , relationresultBeforelong ,he screamed outside the room ,the other to a lot of people ,a good number thirty or forty ,call in the hallway of NV Lang out of the .
! , relationresultThis time,they brought a weapon black social joint weapons are not subject to the regulation ,do not know the black social and political f ǔ betweenhow to reach an unspoken rule .
relationresultLeaf can, you watch yourself ,hold on ,the other with a cutter stick . Bai Sufei in the room has to each other to the number of the bearing of arms into a clear ,as long as they do not carry a gun ,Bai Sufei is not at all in the eye ,his body now the ability to fight ,not a cutter stick can hurt ,the dragon group base was promoted, to achieve a real copper steel frame .
Of course ,body relaxing situations ,or as normal people in general ,not when you do it that don like water NV CD .relationresultTurtlerice tissue to Bai Sufei is the real m é nsurrounded by rooms ,two leg to m é nchuaikai ,three carrying a sword stick man is used in fish ,opposite m é nsitting on a couch in the white Sufei instant pop-up ,flying through the air ,in the air out of the tripods ,three individual weapons also fall under inverted out .
relationresultRroom structure ,mostly in wood ,bamboo ,this box is also so, three people inverted too much effort ,he broke a wooden wall fell out of the room .(you can have a look kill Bill the first genocide nightclub R box structure .
) , relationresultThisgave out turtle rice tissue crowd together inside the space punch ,but Bai Sufei doesn let them come in ,but your first run out, and shouted: leaf can, next to me .
, relationresultThen,in Bai Sufei shadow ,leaf can know when on the ground to defense ,to realize nothing dangerous ,two people go out to kill to .relationresultBai Sufeiis a small RB weapon with disdain ,kill bare-handed Quartet ,a direct hit hall ,the whole about just because these people come in ,some away ,some in the box to watch ,not with weapons and another reason ,Bai Sufei is not now the time to make the human life .
relationresultThis is agroup of small shrimp crab, Bai Sufei was not revealed their true strength ,is the Chinese martial arts J ī ngplayed out ,the utility of the arrest ,the street ,the most suitable melee chants and Huo family fist ,is estimated by Huo Yuanjia , Yip Man and other large influence ,to with the two set of martial arts fight residues which helps turtle grandson .

