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?!Favour in the hospital orders to order for the favour,Facebook, can not live a somebody else doctor many, the nurse is also many, he is opening clinic by himself, top which seek similar to him will repair the person of remarkable talent to be doctor?!When the time comes, do all patients still don't all not get his a person to cure?!
Want and then make people frightened!
"Yang Xin, what's the matter with you?"Xue Ying Ying sees Yang Xin's facial expression not to, oddly ask a way.
Yang Xin blinked to blink eyes, in whisper, mysterious ground of Xi Xi appeared ground appearance in the oneself's brain to tell Xue Ying Ying.
"The thought of Luo Luo isn't enough classic!Since there is this skill, that you how don't want to requite an effect society, serve whole mankind?"Xue Ying Ying smiles to make fun a way.
Yang Xin turned over to turn over cold stare and had never liked to annoy son tunnel:"Conscienceless guy, if I served whole mankind, you when the time comes fear is opportunities to connect to see my one noodleses to all have no!"
"Stop worrying, I will support your business!"The Luo Luo Luo ground of Xue Ying Ying smiled.
Yang Xin Da Dun's sweat, or so see no man to notice here, stretch hand at Xue Ying Ying that to raise to stand ground of bottom up clapped a to record, bad ruthlessly say:"I make you support, I make you support ……"
"Rascal!"Xue Ying Ying is greatly abashed, the facial expression brushes Be getting reder all of a sudden, this is the hospital!
In a short while, 2 people arrived to become if the floor that flies sickroom place, an elevator, 2 people immediately got a fright.
The hallway of the hospital the inside is unexpectedly all fresh flowers everywhere, there is flower basket,cnn, also have results to show a bunch of, what Lily, daisy, tulip, a riot of colour, contend for strange Dou gorgeous, this which is a hospital, clear is a florist just to!
Slightly on cutting and polishing, about understood to come over, became Lin Liang Jia's heavy weight persons all here, two younger generation severely wounded hospitalization, sending some thing meaning meaning ground the person is absolutely necessary.
Which after the terrifying family affairs basically not remember to all have who once sent thing, that also not can be getting less!
Be regarded as so much in sickroom have no so exaggerated.
Inside the deluxe sickroom, only two vases that put fresh flowers are used as to embellish, other of, pour still so clean and neat clean, is also, originally was a patient, put so much fresh flowers in the sickroom, didn't that make heart?
The condition that knows two kids has been stable and leave of be cultivate, these two family, mostly all return to, body cook in old man's house doesn't live, can not always guard in the hospital, age not the earth, mostly body place high, there are a lot of affairs wanting favour to live, also have no how many times.
Pour is become if fly a ground of mother, that a president of large group company of governor, the woman entrepreneur stayed down and estimated is feel oneself before always favour business, don't take good care of a son, this time almost the nature and man always separate, the grey hair person sends the black hair the person to frighten, want like compensate the son is for a while.
There, Lin Jia of that, then his elder sister, Lin Bao Ping, stays to look after here.
There aring a closing relatives is present, and the nursing personnel of deluxe sickroom, completely care come over!
"Fly an elder brother, you once saw that doctor Yang, you said, he really has my elder sister to say of so absolute being(the hand machine read 1 6 k . c n)?!If really so, that this a guy is still a person?!"The ground younger brother, Lin Bao, of Lin Bao Ping soars body up tie up bandage, lie on the sickbed.Is slanting the head full of beansly ask the flank the sickbed up of become if fly.
"Roll, you smelly boy all a day of Du Rang, vexed not vexed?!Weren't you seeing him yesterday?!"Become if fly be asked of can not stand the harassment, have never liked spirit ground to say.
", Did the elder sister talked you not to believe?Hum!"Lin Bao Ping Chen smiles on the younger brother's face slightly clapped for a while, " Yang Xin.That is really a good kid, the somebody else is from the mountain village in come out come of, it may be said is a self-made man, now, have already had more than ten catena stores, also establish company.Total number of property must, and, his athletics is specially good, once acquired province class champion, be praised as long-distance run field by the coach don't meet for a hundred years of genius.Medical skill.Nature naturally, the leg of your boy, if isn't him ground words, affirmation wants disabledly, if fly more miserably.Connected to be critically ill notifications to all descend ……"
"Good, good elder sister, did you say a lot of time and also be not afraid of a brother-in-law to hear jealous?"Lin Bao soared Pie Pie mouth to say.
"Hum, I say so for many times not just because of you?You see somebody else, Yang Xin, and see you again.The whole day knows world of wine and women.Fight to cause trouble!"Lin Bao Ping dissatisfiedly says.
"Beat, beat!Doesn't my surrendering still is all right elder sister?"
Lin Bao Ping but don't think and then so with ease pass him.Kneaded the younger brother's face Sai, had never liked spirit ground to say:"Surrender to have what use?You have to change be, when you this whole body smelly trouble all change, I just don't read Dao you, hum, is all father and grandpa to spoil out ground!"
"Is really of …… the elder sister absolutely compare Tang Seng all Tang Seng ……" Lin Bao soars to in whisper whisper a way.
"What?!Leveret Zai son, what do you say?!"
Yang Xin Yi comes in, is seeing an act that this Xi among younger brother Jies smile to beat to make.
"Yang Xin, you come!"Become if fly a ground of mother to first see, quickly smile to start hello way, with her identity and the position, her social intercourse***medium, can enjoy thus passionate of, return be really almost have no!
"Boon, returned to last night of too late, so slept to arrive to by this time just get up, say good wanted to boil herbal medicine of, result come so late, is really ashamed!"Yang Xin Dao.
"Aunt good!"Xue Ying Ying also smiles a salute way.
"Ah, good miss!"Become if fly a ground of mother to pull Xue Ying Ying's hand, the Qiao smiles to sweetly say, then turns a head to Yang Xin Dao:"Not and late, late, the none of little bits' morning returns to of time the skies are all quickly bright?Let you follow favour live a night, ashamed is us just to!"
"The aunt is very kind!The human life closes a sky, this small matter son calculates again what?"
"Ha ha!"Become a mother to smile to sing ground to looking at Yang Xin, " common saying says that the great boon doesn't talk, superfluous of useless talk aunt also not much said, you said ground right, the human life closes a sky!"
"That good, you first and after a while, I this to boil herbal medicine for them!"Yang Xin Dao immediately after says to Xue Ying Ying:"Ying elder sister Ying, you accompany the aunt and treasure Ping elder brother's wife to sit a meeting here son, I in a short while come back!"
Finish saying, Yang Xin left this deluxe sickroom, on turning round a ground moment, Yang Xin discovers another Lin Bao Ping on the sickbed's younger brother, is putting ground to only stare at oneself in two eyes, he is that look in the eyes son, seem ……adoration?!
Ha!Yang Xin loses to smile, drive a together the age person worship, that felling ……great,google!
Don't expel this certainly is that he feels himself good illusion!
In the sickroom, obviously isn't suitable for fried make a Chinese herbal medicine, while becoming a ground energy function of Lin Liang Jia, the hospital specially spared the common sickroom of a spare time to stay to make to boil herbal medicine.
When Yang Xin pushes away the door of that spare time sickroom, have never thought, inside already someone at wait him!
On seeing the person in the house, Yang Xin's eyebrows is wrinkly to get up, not other people, exactly this director from ground in hospital!
This guy, how still deathless heart?!Yang Xin is some to impatiently think a way, he think I do his underground to belong to and consume later time all in this hospital?!
Open what fun ……
So, he didn't wait director's openings, stretch out a palm before going toward on pushing, signal hint him to shut up, way:"Mr. director, I want to boil herbal medicine, by this time combine isn't suitable for to have present outsider, you see, you are isn't ……"
"It doesn't matter, didn't relation ground, I speak a few lines, can't take up you too many horary!"The director's expectation ground looking at Yang Xin.
"Not, not the sky I come of already enough and late, hold up to take medicine for a pair kid in the sickroom, result in what not good result.Afraid not is you can undertake of?"
Director's silly eye, he takes full stomach of sweet talk intend to persuade Yang Xin and have never thought Related articles:

