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Don, ,don head ,I say it .Pay me is claimed to be a ring chamber of Commerce members of the game player ,he said he could not take the money their eldest brother ,nor give them some ,so I want to take my hand up the ring ,soon or that I get away copper mine .
, relationresultRogueis not a crime to her .What ,the ring chamber of Commerce to game player ,to borrow his rogue help to the younger brother ,rob the ring ?The said letter out who ah ?Too much damage .
relationresultAre you sure that person is the chamber of the people ?What are their names ? , relationresultI donknow. , relationresultDidn him to do the payment transaction and purchasing copper transaction ,transaction records the transaction object is who ? , relationresultNo ,no record of the transaction .
The man put coins lying on the floor ,I pick it up .I followed up his carriage ,the carriage away .Money away on the ground ,no master .The whole process has no record of the transaction, I don .
, relationresultEach other what ? , relationresultbroken Cape cover appearance ,do not know what .He says that he is the ring chamber of Commerce members, or even take their copper transport routes have told me .
Is it right? As for him ,I do not know . , relationresultInvinciblewas said .relationresultRogueis not a crime to ask this time, has been very clear .His younger brother was a pit ,smooth and clean technique ,leave no trace .
But is it right? Ring chamber of commerce inside people within the walls ,or other people ,God knows .relationresultThat relationresultRogueis not crime waves, towards a leader and invincible man said: took punk to ring chamber of Commerce ,to relate in detail are told to ring ,let him go .
Believe it or not it ,anyway I help no relationship with rogue .If he must tell me, I also can ! , relationresultVolume second ofthe Bronze Age 121 the first to be eliminated , relationresultUpdate: 2009-1-202:12:03 chapter number :3864 , relationresultRogueis not a crime ring chamber of Commerce was questioned ,feel at a loss .
A survey found that men ,a younger brother of invincible .Dry ,received a ring chamber within a disgruntled game player money ,rob the nameless copper transport carriage ,harassment of nameless camp .
relationresultRogueis not a crime but is reluctant to take the charges upon his own head, let a leader with unmatched to the innominate explain .It has nothing to do with their rogue Gang ,horse debt has the main ,find the money game player .
relationresultThe ringafter invincible fighter explain ,heart .relationresultThere is no such a rule!,around, and around the back of his head . The ring chamber within a disgruntled game player ? It is bullshit ,chamber of Commerce ,who dares to him against .
Rogue is not a crime or is lying ,or someone to help planted dirty rogue .But what exactly is who ,without evidence ,cannot conclude .relationresultThe ringwas nerve-racking to track down the truth when, one after another bad news , the boss, not good ,and others !Just now our set of copper equipment in the transport over time was robbed ! , not good ,a fire broke out in the camp ,but in time to fight, never happened .
Only such people are alarmed, cannot ease of production . Boss, our chamber of Commerce who threatened, requested to leave the ring chamber of Commerce ,or ... Or not good to eat fruit .
, relationresultThe chamber of Commerce one ran to report ,the ring chamber of Commerce has been up and down in a panic .relationresultRingpressure some breathless .Needless to say ,things have to clear more .
He was asked to continue the production of copper equipment ,as to who, he knew ,cnn,no need to track down what .relationresultHe immediatelydecisive orders , to employ some people to protect our gang ,the production base ,protect the transport carriage ,the disruptive will drive away !In addition .
To find reliable several Gang ,I want a high price ,strike ... ... . , relationresultButadded to strike the target time, he hesitated a moment .He did not know that this decision is correct ,if the decision is wrong ,I is disastrous consequences .
But ,in addition to the initiative .He also retreat ?relationresultChambers of thegame player who looked at him, and asked , boss .Against whom? , relationresultThe ringonly hesitated a moment, determined ,and said: little camp ! , relationresultChamber of Commerceof the game player a gasp.
,as long as the week road game player ,does not know who is white .Small white ,currently week Shuicheng most tough a game player army .White as a small white army captain ,that is not an ordinary mess .
relationresultChamber of Commerceto game player who have road :relationresultBoss.The day before yesterday, a rogue to help the game player he is offended .But he didn took the game player along with all the tribal warriors are out, then only compensate thousands of coin is done .
The mob boss dared to revenge .City Gang which dare offend him ? , relationresultYes ,even if we could afford the money ,but can you willing to hand the gang ? , relationresultsfight against sheep chamber of Commerce ,a bit easier .
, relationresultRingshook his head , it is no use against sheep ,sheep is white .White camp ,is their core base .Combating ovine chamber of Commerce ,but is hurt their fur .Move body .
But ,now we are be injured in the sinews or bones ,if the production safety ,Zhou Shuicheng copper market after a few days no our .Only the small camp to hurt ,maybe white will stop this hurt two means .
Let .Went at once to the people .Must solve this problem before the end of the day ,otherwise the sale not do ! , relationresultChambers of thegame player who see old resolute attitude .Can immediately start ,to find out the gang harassing white camp .
relationresultHowever,the city is a little bigger ,respected Gang ,a hearing to deal with white ,immediately shook his head ,fools know that it would be a big trouble .Their roots in this week Shuicheng ,once was a small white revenge that is not a joke .
relationresultThe lastonly five or six people of obscure small groups ,willing to take over this task .This small team is willing to take over ,the reason is very simple ,this small team fame too small ,nor what base ,trouble ,can easily hide .
Moreover the ring chamber of Commerce to pay 500 coppers ,this is not a small sum of wealth .relationresultIn the afternoon,the five or six game player with nearly 100 NPC soldiers set out to travel a distance of ten miles ,the week Shuicheng white camp were an assault .
relationresultThey walked fortens of minutes ,to white camp about the location, but look dumbfounded .A long fence around a large ,thickly dotted ground camp ,also did not know that inside that one is white the camp .
relationresultThe fencepost inside ,everywhere ,barricades and primary tower ,tower has been full of hundreds of NPC Archer ,hundreds of NPC warrior ,had found them,google, being mocked at their arrival .
relationresultThe five or sixgame player to see this scene a shrivelled up ,don rob ,don playing even better .relationresultAcopper a little white game player riding from the camp ran towards them ,laughed : you take a large number of troops it was white camp tourism ,or to swagger before others ?Like two strokes ,a fight to try? , relationresultThe five or sixgame player became red face,Facebook, hurriedly waving listening , no, no ,we are the brothers Jiumu small white name ,is to look at the . Related articles:

