
Facebook anju sits down agai

Yes ,the cooks ,go to the district headquarters to go . , relationresultWham!Chen Lianju hand scoop also throw ,cast the legs to run mine department ,Geng monitor also do not hesitate ,followed by to ,leaving the remaining five toy soldier dumbfounded ,and run two ,the breakfast is assigned .
relationresultThe old geng ! Some are carrying rice bowl was stirred team warrior is not willing, this breakfast short-staffed ,while also training ,can not delay .relationresultWhat urgent ,rely through one !Have ample food and clothing.
To the few fighters very unkind to grab Geng monitor and Chen Lianju leave the spoon ,in a bucket of water to wash, will play the cooks work ,this big spoon spoon pie porridge ,pickles ,which a few awkward God can not save material for related thoughts ,but stronger spoon who cooks ,just can can be cheap ,who then hit early warriors ,foot ah ,filling ,this group of soldier as he was a top one fierce,google, with featured in his light ,came home and put food in Shangdi trade good year son .
relationresultThe 410th Festival , relationresultCooksChen Lianju in a heap son enough soldiers surrounded ,ran to the district headquarters at the door, saw the boss a poster affixed to the team published a column wall .
relationresultThe appointmentnotice head line is being greatly with the words six company commander Chen Lianju ,comrade Chen Lianju kneading bar eyes several times ,to determine the announcement of Chen Lianju new house ,face up like red tinged with black ,black tinged with purple ,purple is also a white still ,some dare to accept the fact .
relationresultAround acongratulations, it seems Chen Lianju popularity is still fairly good .It was chosen the sixth deputy company commander with five soldiers and several new platoon is a little will not be happy, lowered her head and eyes ,and featured Chen Lianju may not like ,running on behalf of each company ,the mustering the enthusiasm to participate in the campaign, let a kitchen police to pull ahead ,though also in the battery is a promotion ,but my heart is no reason for the nest heart .
relationresultWell.Well. Hi hi !I applying for everyone ,evening snacks ! Chen Lianju was the soldiers a film find north ,abuse is not worth half power .relationresultComrade Chen Lianju please come back ! Division of the gate guards stopped in surprise Chen Lianju .
relationresultIs is is ! Chen Lianju excited rubbing his hands ,into the district headquarters of the moment, the waist straight many, ang chest ,stay is unusually strong ,in this moment ,he is the captain ,with Li Wei and Fan Guowen, they are the same as the company commander ,Chen Lianju really wanted a laugh and then cry .
relationresultEven cite comrades ,come here ,sit ! District captain Wang Bao greets Chen Lianju sat down ,handing me a brochure ,said: this is the sixth roster ,later ,our battery can give you .
, relationresultThe district captain !Take it easy. Chen Lianju bass was a stand up ,saluted tract .relationresultSit down, I give you the man ! King Paula Chen Lianju sits down again .
Ho ! , relationresultHey !This will come to ! From the next room out of a man ,see king and Chen Lianju ,face an feel warm smile : Chen captain ,my name is He Ping ,is the eleven division command sent to either connect instructor ,later is your partner ,we can be a pot rice to eat ,a lot of attention .
, relationresultThat Later I would take care of me with the . Chen Lianju felt after the head ,still not completely familiar with the commander of this role, still with a temperament .relationresultWell, go to the familiar hands beneath the soldiers ! Wang Bao clapped his hands stood up ,new company expansion ,means that twelve teams fighting force and rise a step .
relationresultIs ! Chen Lianju picked up the sixth roster, with deputy commander ,the original five marksman Ge Datong ,begin to summon three new platoon leader ,began to gradually improve the roll call ,the sixth framework .
relationresultThe originalstraight is captain Wang Bao cannon class soldiers are directly promoted to platoon .With six his company of soldiers mustered .relationresultSeenearly sixty people stand in six lines .
All eyes focused on himself ,Chen Lianju heart was proposed .This new company commander ,but just when only two hours .relationresultThe assis not from the hot ,really come to the stage ,my heart is not reason out a stage fright emotions .
relationresultFortunately,the instructor of He Ping business mastery, also on the Chen Lianju information is very familiar with ,in advance of Chen Lianju for the role of training company commander .
A soldier and officer ,it is completely different ,the previous match ,but now the rein ,every act and every move has his soldiers watched ,company commander is company of vane .The new officer assumes office, the town does not live place .
relationresultHello comrades ! Chen Lianju Zhuang Zhuang has the courage, stand tall times straight ,big channel: I six company commander ,Chen Lianju ,related background ! , relationresultChen Lianjuexport, following the soldiers caused a slight change ,Li Wei left a legacy of light appears to be bad .
After the change ,but the soldiers and Chen Lianju closer to a lot of .At least in this new company commander who did not see a small man intoxicated by success or the original way ,dearest cooks shadow .
relationresultI have confidence to connect with ,do not live up to the party and the people of our expectations, we must make the Japs try we connect ! Chen Lianju tight fist ,sound suddenly Avenue : we have confidence !? , relationresultYes.
The soldiers shouted in unison .relationresultSorry.I didn ?! Chen Lian hand side to the ear, pretended not to hear ,said: you do not eat ?!I remember that morning but you to feed .
, relationresultButnobody laughed , !~ ~ soldiers around big roar, responded to Chen Lianju .relationresultVerynice. Now for the sake of our six run-in as an excellent artillery company ,to bombard the farther ,more accurate ,more ruthless,cnn, let the devil who remember, twelve division team not only have a ,two ,three, four and even in five, also let them see that the six ,we need to learn there are still so many things ,so starting tomorrow ,collective study even in the existing three cannons ,I will give the district leader for live-fire training .
After a training instructor He Ping ,Chen Lianju gradually play as a company commander should really and leadership qualities, can become a company commander ,how is the ordinary people .
relationresultLive fire training,is equivalent to the landlord have the Spring Festival ,usually rifle training are the basic tactics and targeting ,live-fire shooting opportunities are few, and each ball is hit very cautious ,and artillery firing but rest on its laurels, according to the projectile supply is not easy ,playing a less ,twelve division team renovation is the cartridge case ,make a grenade mines what also no problem ,made their own shells is not possible, the Japanese blockade ,superior supplements over shells God knows when to arrive, and the short term is impossible to Arsenal will flak trial finished product production goods ,can let Wang Bao agreed to pull a number of live ammunition training ,it is determined .
relationresultAs theoperation of heavy weapons ,lethality most direct company ,six soldiers basic quality is higher ,everyone can at least read, can do add, subtract, multiply and divide ,and cultural qualities are singled out is high technical arms ,Facebook.
relationresultThe sixth companyhas just established, immediately put into the training process, three captain Chen Jiayao cook a few overnight ,just by radio the patterning decoding ,dry two bottles of ink ,to Yanan over the artillery professional tens of thousands data Teng copy ,then immediately using Stencils Printed volume set .
relationresultWhen thecompany commander the very next day morning ,just woke up mistily to prepare a rice cooking class ,while Geng monitor a ladle to sober up ,now he is not featured Related articles:

