
Facebook nresultLonelysuddenl

Bearing ,is a man .: two shipyards infighting, already a lot of damage to people .My sky chamber of shipping ,have also been affected ,the things I can not say . , relationresultLonelyashamed : let the sky loss ,very sorry !I will try to compensate for your loss ,after sky elder brother from my shipyard purchase of vessels ,all ten percent off discount .
, relationresultBloodysky to ten percent off discount is not feeling any interest, he will be the entire shipyard ,waved laughs: nothing loss ,is being harassed several under it ,the bandits also dare not take my boat was smashed .
However ,I can say a few copies of the capital city ,but on the week village two hundred miles of water ,without any influence .Week of water shipyard fan property Tinospora does not give me any face ,direct refused my request .
Although I have to train ,but he willing to ,I can not . , relationresultLonelyvery surprised , the lost property how arrogant ox ?Only one week of Shuicheng village small forces ,how dare you so irrational to deny your request ?To the sky in the capital city of brother power and fame ,was at least his week ten times more water shipyard .
How he was polite to talk to you . , relationresultBloodysky wonder : lonely boy ,you are still not clear whether you are in a battle with who ? , relationresultLonely road: nature is the water shipyard I know it with water other forces have contact ,help a lot .
But my people cannot penetrate the week Shuicheng walled ,investigation into the real value of information . , relationresultThesky suddenly , Oh ,so that is what it is .No wonder the lonely man so well ,dare and water shipyard so recklessly .
To tell you the truth ,if it is me, I am afraid ,look before you leap . , relationresultLonelywas a shock , how ?His background is thick? , relationresultBloodysky shook his head and said: the whole week of water village, including most of the one hundred big game player ,almost all game player forces organization ,belong to a union ,water alliance .
Week City Village, is perhaps the first to complete the game player Yan forces uniform walled city .I don know this week water shipyard what background ,but this lost property with water alliance ,green ,white ,close relationship .
I can predict almost ,white is the only shipyard backstage boss ,otherwise the water shipyard probably would have collapsed . , relationresultHe pattedthe lonely shoulder ,shook his head : unless the lonely man Zhou water alliance leader white to down, otherwise you have no chance to take weeks to get water shipyard .
Yes ,I also heard that white bronze industry background, some time ago there are rumors ,he put Bohai bronze production business to the whole collapse .The two bronze producers are not your hands to do ,ask to know the .
, relationresultLonelyterrified .His two bronze manufacturer ,was Bohai city first ten major forces one week ,because the water poured into Bohai and collapse of bronze ,is given by him to incorporate ,otherwise he has no ability to incorporate these two powerful strength of the game player forces .
The things he knew ,but he does not know the week boss Shuicheng walled white forces ,or even shipyard background .White water union unified the entire week water game player forces ,his shipyard and a walled city of tens of thousands of game player combat .
Unless he unified Bohai City game player forces ,or no cost to rival .relationresultLonelyforehead began to sweat, finally meaning to their mistakes . The sky ,what method can save the situation ?See if you can negotiate with them ,we divide the channel ? , relationresultThe gray skysaid: not big enough ,please do not move .
Lost property Tinospora directly reject ,ignore my mediation ,it also proves that his background is white . , relationresultLonelysky urgently : brother ,you also have the capital city of the big five powers of ah !But not white ,google? , relationresultThe gray skysmile ruefully ,shook his head : although I was the capital city of one of the big five ,but in an outside facilitator identity ,also please do not move ,he also does not have any influence .
You said he could beat you white ,dominating the shipbuilding and shipping ,why would he accept my mediation ?This is not to give his own trouble ?If you are a mouse ,you will give up this chance ? , relationresultLonelybe rendered speechless .
If he is white ,he will never give up this chance to defeat opponents .However ,he has no chance ? The elder brother, you must have a way ,otherwise it will not let me come here . , relationresultThe gray skyapprovingly nodded ,and said: well ,I have a way of .
To make white to give up on your Bohai shipyard spare none ,just let him know ,you have enough money ,he can down you, so he will be considered to negotiate with you ,with other peaceful resolution of conflict .
If you don ,I the Bohai shipyard capital ,accounting for 51% of the equity .Thistle city large chamber of the huge capital injection ,white cannot defeat you ,he will carefully consider the settlement negotiations .
, relationresultThe restaurantwas in an uproar .The equity of 51%, that is to say the grey sky intend to purchase Bohai shipyard .Lonely 10 mind brothers have stood up ,looked at the gray sky .
The chambers of the game player ,have also stood up ,cnn,vigilant watching the lonely people .relationresultLonelysuddenly stood up ,said : the original cold sky brother playing the idea .
The shipyard is a group of brothers and I hit the foundation .The borrower can ,but I sold the Bohai shipyard, absolutely not !Take leave. , relationresultLonelyangrily with his brothers leave the restaurant ,the boat back to the city of Bohai .
relationresultThe grey skya stop of his brothers ,subtle watching them leave .He believed that ,alone will eventually make a choice, either to collapse, or choose to be financed .relationresultVolume second ofthe Bronze Age 180 sloop , relationresultUpdate: 2009-2-1822:30:08 chapter number :3507 , relationresultThe capital city ofone of five major chambers of Commerce Chamber of commerce big sky gray sky ,and loneliness in the breakdown of negotiation ,part ,because the gray sky want through the capital Bohai shipyard 51% equity ,as a condition of aid of Bohai shipyard .
Loneliness is not willing to accept such a high price, which to him on the Bohai shipyard brothers are intolerable conditions ,they would lose to Bohai shipbuilding factory control, being the appendage .
relationresultAlonewith his more than a dozen infantry men returned to Bohai city to visit the city ,the game player forces ,efforts to raise funds .relationresultThe situationof Bohai shipyard is adverse ,bandits game player because they were not paid enough ,already began to launch attacks ,they attack the water vessel number continued to reduce ,at any time may be completely stopped -- once the full stop ,it will mean the two shipbuilding factory direct confrontation ended, Bohai shipbuilding plant in this war of attrition in completely defeated .
Loneliness may suffer soon exhausted fiscal pressure ,continue to throw money .relationresultIn addition,Bohai shipyard at the bottom of the numerous complaints about the game player boys are also more and more big ,only the expenditure of no income ,have influenced their development .
relationresultButloneliness is not completely give up hope .He even had to lower the head ,sent messengers to water shipyard ,request stop consuming confrontation ,peace negotiations to resolve the conflict -- even though they promised hope not ,but it is better than no hope .
relationresultWeekCity Village, lake .relationresultResearch and development ofshipbuilding technology more than 20 craftsman people ,in water ,nearly more than 10 days of time of the primary mathematics ,primary knowledge of physics ,once again return to the shipbuilding base ,again sailing manufacturing technology research ,Facebook. Related articles:

