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 Chapter 146 that person tell a story
The gray land is burning.You bluely the ocean is burning, endlessly Qiong in the sky is burning.In the whole world of everything.Seem to be all heat the blazing flame cover with at those under.Put together to make an effort each silk fuel of extruding the oneself inner part, add the prosperous Yan of this flame.
The volcano spews.Is very hot and red brightly magma mergence sea water in, start to steam endless fog spirit, and then arouse ocean to flow to start bringing about a Gao Guo together billow.Without intermission tap have already been become the land of peculiar shape by the Rong, in the whole world be full of to make people heart palpitates ground ray of light and calories, the Chong overflows ruined of flavor.
The animals Qi rushes about on ground of land.The skin exerts lousy, profoundly see a bone, seem those ray, those motion, those flames since then bite the fire of soul from the hell.Can never get away from, regardless they escape those forest burnablely how far, regardless they to under the steppe of dig into in deep hole much deep, they still have never hidden those to let all living to work properly to all perish of destruction.
Ground in the ocean the animals are uneasily also visiting.Strongly avoid to gush amount of subterranean heat in deep ditch of bottom of sea and poisonously air, those become accustomed to is comfortable to enjoy a trip to in the icy cold sea water of mammal.The abnormality in despair explores skull a surface.The breath goes into lung of but is a very hot air.Carry secretly fatal toxin ground with those dust.
The bird son in the sky is still sparing no effort ground to fly, they far and far avert from those sting eyes ground ray of light in Qiong in a sky.Facing the earth ground 2 try very hard to dash away, the life natural sensitive lets they understand.Probably only in those deserted places, so as to look for till the last a peach source, this is an and season completely not the coordination ground Be big to move.But in this migration, the bird of overwhelming majority still the dead fell witheredly the earth on the way on.Truely can hide to leave those blazing rays.The bird of black dust, little of again little.
In the whole world the ray keeps on being gradually dreary.In the air but was full of dust and dark cloud, covered that circle day of top of head unusually and without remorse at rear.The whole beautifully greenly big steppe.Have already changed color, the luckily survive comes down ground the animals after robbing.Gather in a small water pond ground periphery.Be in despair contend for robbing this unique a cleanly headwaters, more than 30 big crocodile Fus deep place in water pond.Water numerous peripheral animals in the pond met together to come over and started digging a small pond, or had brave ground, strongly carnivorous animal, bravely starts attackstoning crocodile ground site.
Have already could not seen any bird ground trace any further in the sky, ground in the bottom of sea the fishes already drive frighten the coral reef of the deep sea inside, how don't dare to come out as well.Visit Ge at on all sides shark some in perplexity Zhengs wear that double of consumedly eyes.Don't know this world actually is how.Oneself's ground house actually is how, but at sea surface on, more than ten hugely the sperm whale exhaustedly float to float.Occasionally feebly play oneself for a while tail, more far and somely islet periphery.The sea lions despair but indignantly toward the sky Si to call.Use to cruelly tore to bite each other.Vent deep place ground of heart bottom to fear.
Gather the animal by the side of water pond gradual dying, have mutual kill brutally but dead, have because of inhaled air of black dust but die.Die because of hunger.Die because of very thirsty, but morely animal.Actually die because of drinking water inside ground in pond water.
One in the air dry.Water peripheral in the pond left innumerable miserably white bone Hai.Or big or small.Or Chuai song.Or frightened lie prone Fu.Real estate hair of their body the flesh and blood have already returned the earth, leaves these boneses to still loose existence on all sides.Keeping company with water inside in the pond is the most violent,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com.Experienced to count must year don't also perish a ground of reptile.
Led some days again, water pond did and weighed up to several hundred catties of big crocodiles and recognize a life generally Fu at the mud on.Can be insolated by not blazing sun to carry on the back the last and red mire, gradually death.Gradual stem Wei.It is gradually putrefied, gradually become to make people touch eyes shocking bones.
Actually these violent reptile are dried by air.
The air is still one dead Ji.In addition to those roll over.The facing the earth oppression ground black thick cloud outside, have never livinged to work properly dynamically trace.But the scene of sea surface Be getting more ruthlessness.The warm ocean in the past days flows with gulf the north herding sea for cold current of air to hand over meeting place.Numerous big form ground water living a mammal, or float Be sunk to the sea water of side in the island.Or sink to fall in the secludedly bottom of sea, those whale and sea lion sea cow have already putrefiedly become flesh and blood and pollute the whole slice of sea water and let the whole gulf all become one to fix Luo's field, Chong in the air overflows a foul smell.
Eat the animals of Fu because of these huge existence.But linger on more long ground of time, they sharply realize and more close to land ground sea side.It in the whole world and more is the breathing that is full of to die.So their take a meal very carefully.
Finally and one day, dry.It is dark.Have if hell generally the world finally decline to rain.The rain water shot beats in the steppe edge and remains not much of leaf up, also waked up with a start those insects that hide in the hole.Circularly circle water bead rolls to fall on the mire ground.A shell insect happily washes a face.The rain water gradually remits at follow to follow oldly waterway together, the facing steppe deep place enters hair.Didn't know to wake up with a start all the way how much avoid with sleep ruined of living to work properly.
Trickle brook's infusing into that is surrounded a ground of water pond by the bones.Make people feel surprising BE, a rock that profoundly hide at the course of river's sewing lizard is still on the hoof in the ground, it vomits Xing redly tongue letter.In an awkward manner once stepped shallow water, licked to bite in huge eyehole bones at the crocodile.Occasionally start to stretch a right front foot.Is solitary but suddenly and violently and drily to announce on all sides.It to this possession ……anyway on all sides there are fully 1,000 framework of more having whitelies in water pond.All having already sunk into is silent, is not likely to announce to express any objection opinion to its grounds.If those lion, big baboons were still on the hoof, the world was again another shape.
In spite of is which world in, the rain water always represents life and seems to be no exception this time.The black dusts filling the air in the air are washed by the rain water to rinse an empty, these are also blown not to spread a ground of dust by the breeze.Finally accept defeat under the power of water absolute being.The air inside re- appears the flavor of settling the lately pleased person.The open countryside livings to work properly to living because of water and gathers because of water.Started pleasurable lucky survivor.Restarted each other of catch to kill, which afraid is this kind of to bloodily catch to kill, unexpectedly also take a life ground pleased flavor.
However these living to work properly not and clearly.These descend from heaven a ground of rain water, the black dusts carried how and formidably thing.They aren't clear either, the rain water can wash dust, but forever also have no way to wash to fill the air in the whole world, those basically can't see shape.But is good enough to the lines of killing the great majority life.
Rain for a ground of time, the ocean was calm a lot, the wave slowly pushed those animal corpses to the near the bank ground reef in, Fu smelly the flavor be cleaned by the rain water a ground of good many.
However rain more rain more heavy, seem to be forever don't stop ground that a moment, those drank rain water ground the animals and started feeling that the life is slowly keeping off oneself ground body, they don't know this is why, that kind of is by instinct in fear to let they particularly despair, at sprinkle world heavy rain in, put together to the utmost an oneself's end ground physical strength.Start to be cruel and cool strongly carrying on a milli- to nonsensely kill, even connect oneself ground the compatriot didn't pass.
Or numerous big or small floods is later on.The life of land again encountered heavily stroke.In addition to leaving an innumerable to soak the aquatic corpse is at the Ang.Could not see any existence ground vestige to be like any further.But the ocean edge is those putrefied corpses for piling up.Be then beaten by this numerous heavy rain shots the disgusted foam of one one.And that nursery tale completely take to not and up relate to.
However God's punishment toward this world's seeming to be still don't end.The rain water woulds be after an unexpectedly form frost.The north goes to south.Spread all over open countryside ground air suddenly lowered more than ten degrees.Can't see the sun ground world, seem to be also to disorder season, deeply cold winter appears like this at has in great danger of life in front.
Frost is snow after, endless endless snow, first front ground the snowflake still ride on black ash ground color, at last and then replied pure, have a liking for matchless sanctity, overalied the sky.Overalied the earth, overalied ocean, the whole worlds were all covered with in breeze snow, strict cold advent the earth, the ice layer extension goes into sea.
An expanse of white one the earth is really clean, endless endless snow, always have no Xie underground write.Snow ground on could not see any evidence of life activity any further, this appearance always keep on but quiet coldly keep on keeping on.A year, two years, decade, 100 years ……
Fan Jian imitates a Buddha to come over from awake a dream inside and for a long time just takes out vision to leave from airly that noodles the light the mirror, he the ground spread all over a thrombus in double eyes.There is some tiny hair whites in the lips, although everything shown in appearance in times before.It is after he get into temple of the gods.Already analytical judgment the result of , however really realistic slice ground to looking at this act of occurrence at own of at present.That kind of mightiness of sorrow and pain and sufferings, still let he ground in the center of earth is more very aching.Because he knows what absolute being boundary this is.He isn't likely to be also like this people are similar in the world.Become these should only myth.Then record on the mural.Record at legendary, he knows all of all theses is true occurrence ground affair, those die in to greatly rob the lives in the ground.It was all ever true to once exist.
The thrombus in the eye represents tired have with mentally and physically exhausted, Fan lowered the head to crumple to rub his/her own eyes, then again raised head and looked at air light mirror inside that seems ten thousand years can't variety ground snow ground scene, he knows that variety affirmation will take place, otherwise how did the civilization continue till today a ground world?Most make tiny Zhan ground of his heartstring BE, see arrive at this time, he still don't see that people in the world, those ever went together.Actually suffered how formidably molestation.
Grandiosity of, to admiration, fine.Simplely.The thou is plain, simple and crude of ……building, is this world inside and grass nest the cave completely doesn't agree with of the existence is also that to greatly rob in suffer the most heavy stroke ground existence.People of that world controled some secrets of the author of all being, end but kill these greatly the machine throw at own top of head, this is it absurdly fact.
The heat melted cement{ Jin, impact wave the shot is ground allly survival.In the whole world don't know that the form not and well-knownly shot line to kill allly people, the drought is later on a flood.Ice frost is breeze snow after.Don't know how many years past.Over there under the boundless snow-crested.Once there was a ground brilliancy all have already been had no by the Yan, any further have no who know.Once there was a raced.The ever matchless brightness leads in this world.
Breeze snow doesn't know how many years, finally and again someone appears at appearance in.The civilization ground demolishes.The life instinct begs to save and brutally fights to again appear and discard soil in, survive down ground life, can only ability for keeping on living, but successfully making a show of animality inside the most difficult be canned accept by the human nature of the side.
Fan Jian doesn't want to see these.So the appearance quickly revolves to change, he is like to sit in front of a time machine and looking at perishing of civilization.Looking at civilization grounding is survival, looking at survivally the fire of civilization.Finally still disappear at wild in.
He looking at snow bottom survival ground of high building drive breeze snow erosion.The Kua drops.The miscellaneous grass of ice snow empress occupied their bodies.With lend time geomancy and natural magic.Became the rock and rust Li of a cake of of their cake of, could not see any further any at the beginning shape.
He looking at people who was dressed in the skin to re- live into cave and re- took to have grass hut, afresh ten have bone arrows.But forgot a writing, forgot language.
The building has, building Kua.The building has again, Fan Jian always thought formely how that the civilization was the existence that haded vitality most , suffered again is the earth fought, total ability with borrowed to light some spark, re- cause conflagration.However looking at that act act scene of rapid flash across of light mirror, he just knows, originally the civilization is in the whole world and most flimsily a thing, be lose civilization leans on to save of physical world, the thing of spirit.It always be so and easily forgotten.
The appearance flash across is just in a flash, however this world but no longer know through several 100,000 years.The brilliancy finally didn't leave any trace in the world here last time.Thoroughly disappears.
Fan Jian witnesses the occurrence of all these, double the eye is disconsolate and tiny and red.The dish is sat to ground, the double boxing grips.See at the in a flash for thousand years, body side the granite didn't be lousy, the world had already led ten thousand years.
He really saw a sea change.The star turns Dou to move.The earth variety, he saw the gulf ever become fertile fields, but don't know that those numerous animal corpse remnants stayed a ground of nutrient, is be not for in the whole world of the Chun variety had a help.After he saw volcanism equanimity.That dead Ji ground the steppe is tiny rising, escaped from the threat of flood, from northeast line of come to a primitive man of tribe.Start a pain ground deportation wild beast, knife Geng material for new fire.
Don't realize mistake how long, one receives black cloth ground blind person to crush under foot northernly ice snow.Arrived at time immemorial mankind ground tribe, he is been called emissary by the posterity.
The emissary comes and teaches the skill of knotting the net from the north.The intertribal son people lauds absolute being Juan to the north Fu ground.
There is emissary again from the north.Teach the method of tying knots the remark, intertribal son people again the special kindness of praise absolute being.
There is emissary again from the north.Teach the matter of writing.The intertribal son people greatly fixs altar, the description rock draws among the mountain wall, praise temple of the gods bounty.
Fan Jian covered up into skull profoundly the knee.Urgent of the breath carry on the back a top and bottom to rise and fall after letting his, don't know silent how long.He finally understood most of affairs, after his confirming here am the Earth, he has been hasing a lot of places that don't understand.This why in the world a ground of writing used is just oneself's previous incarnation for the writing of meeting, why this the writing in the world seem have no what too and complicatedly evolve process, pour be like woulded be this shape in the beginning.
"I have a problem.All everythings why have no, but you ……or say a temple of the gods but can also keep down.
"Fan Jian's voice is very hoarse, he is basic to confirm at this time, and that greatly robs occurrence grounds for time.Should be at oneself clay-cold, but can't be clay-cold, either too long, because the building craft of this temple of the gods oneself is a bit unfamiliar, but after all on science and technology and the civilization, haven't developed what oneself not too and confessedly thing.
Smooth light mirror top.Still at present to public the tribe sub- people's ground one act act joys and sorrows, expand wild subterranean heat blood sacrifice.These experienced to count a cold winter to die for 100,000 years Ji of loose the people, it is a thou to too and farawaily and first exist, however after all is to have already with a ran once evolved mankind to have already forgotten, when this environment have already allowed them opposite at liberty activity.That kind of is embed to a collectively unconscious ground intelligence, finally got an explosion.It particularly is that to receive black cloth.The emissary from north.Once in a while.Then will condescend to come tribe, take the bounty of temple of the gods, is very and quickly also a catalyst mankind social civilization ground progress.
Being like one to open to outside hang a ground of game is general.Light appearance in the mirror Be very to make progress quickly and forward, the mankind seem to have no again flower last several 100,000 years ground time.Just develop to arrive at present shape.Just rise from a lot of year agos, that receives black cloth ground emissary.Then didn't appear any further the human life rushed and started to undertake this and then handed over to those to run about the emissary is at the world ground, and those emissary teach of vein in the sky.
When Fan Jian asks question, only the mirror ground appearance at the right moment stops at a peak standing alone on, innumerably common people fanaticism but strive in front to scoop out stone stairs on the mountain body.Then anticipate stone and timber to deliver to summit of hill, build a temple over there.
This Gu sea stands alone the seaside.If the half mountain body Hun green jade, smooth mirror, keep facing east sea dynasty the sun is exactly Fan Jian to acquaint with very much.Even once climbed ground in person big east mountain.
The voice of temple of the gods again rang to get up in the all directions.The tone is still moderate.But still have no real feelings ground flavor:"The museum wonderful facial appearance ability can keep.All be attributed to luck, say with the words of people of this world.This would is for a sky, life return."
Yes.In addition to life in the sky, in addition to controling breath, what can explain a civilization ruins that originally should are several 100,000 year agos.Today but still in quiet lie in heavy snow Shan-li.Equanimity but gently look at world to loose the people of each time one-step footprint?
Probably also only the from ancient times is constant of ice snow, so as to resist the ground of time power, the great universe by accident breaks.Don't let this temple of the gods be like the building of those grandiosities.It disappears to have no Zong in the ground in time long river.
The temple of the gods is to use solar energy, this is probably also one of the reasons.But time immemorial the ground is that war, don't very obviously and impossibly bring an in the whole world thus big changes.Is it the Earth that also appeared what great problem?
Fan Jian originally could go for this problem thorough ground of thinking bottom, however he at this time ground in the brain emotion motion abnormality violent, particularly see on the appearance that receive black cloth ground blind person emissary.And finally appear ground big east the mountain jade mural noodles, make him feeling some thirsty tongue dry.Basically could not say words.
If the all theses of appearance are all true.What are those five uncle Zhus regarded as?Be regarded as whole at present prophet?Teacher?At the thought of oneself since childhood and five uncle Zhus together lived grow up, originally but is really lived in a legend of nearby, Fan Jian's body then cannoted help but starting tremble don't.
"But I don't believe that in this world remained you this place."The Fan Jian hoarse voice shivers.Listen to up a bit weird, "this didn't make sense."
"Time can corroborate everything.I spend to count 100,000 years ground time is here in the world.Don't discover similar existence."The voice of temple of the gods rang to get up by the side of Fan Jian's ear, very quiet."I can survive till now.Continue to complete the mission that oneself helps mankind.It on the other hand is a luck.On the other hand also because of within these several 100,000 yearseses.The emissaries are constantly also carrying on a repair to the temple of the gods.Just very pitiful, the emissaries also gradually drive time the depletion complete."
Although the temple of the gods ground voice says to very pitiful.But tone inside but have no the emotion of this aspect, Fan Jian shuts after eyes contemplated for a long time.Point at light mirror on ground big east mountain.And that gradually will the temple completing work say:"This place I have ever been to, why you have to spread absolute being Yu through an emissary.Fix such a temple over there?"
From sea pass by big east mountain, often see that square very neat.Still if celestial spirits one sword cut to open of jade wall.The Fan Jian then knowing absolute being shakes to concuss.View this world impossible view, always feel this jade wall's being different from is a natural formation, however if manpower BE, how must that need amount of land productivity?
Most make what Fan Jian didn't understand BE, why go after five uncle Zhus get hurt big east the mountain keep wound.Emperor why Lao Tze the battlefield finally choose at big east mountain?
"It is in honor of."The temple of the gods ground orotund and silent short moment says behind:"It was an outbreak of war ground to order at first there.Mankind mutual annihilation weapon, the violent explosion conflict over there.At last and unexpectedly forming mankind's oneself can not also estimate of result ……as for the ground finally prints to record and would is that square very neat jade wall, that city no longer replies existence, that mountain then drive hot the Rong drop half.Finally became now ground shape."
Fan Jian tightly shuts a double eye.The eyelashes slightly shiver, until today he just understood this secret.The originally big east mountain woulds be war ground to break out a point, a mountain range is melted the half hang in the ground peak standing alone in sea side.The rock is melted by the heat the jade wall of green Ying one.This is how the kind ground exaggeration terror.
"So greatly the radiation of the east mountain subsists most severely.Also wait if world vitality most strong ……"Fan Jian hoarsely the voice ring out.Spoke him ground to inference."If my judgment is to the ground, I not understand, why homicidally the radiation can become in the whole world of vitality?If the son people of world is really former mankind of generation to loose to save, why they will the ground have the blood vessels this kind of thing inside the body?"
"Because mankind is in the world most stupidly the species is also the most intelligent species.Most key ground BE.They are to can adapt to an environmental species most ."The voice of temple of the gods such as Si response way:"Concerning this, I have absolute confidence."
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