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Have you read about this recently? Many doctors and other health professionals are now advising their patients to take advantage of the many benefits that can be garnered from taking omega3 capsules every day. Much research has been done to determine just what these essential fatty acids can do for your health, and out of this research many amazing things have come to light.

It seems as though supplementing your diet with these nutrients can help you to prevent or treat a whole list of serious ailments. Scientists first began to uncover the many wonders of fish oil when they began a study of the Greenland Eskimo in order to determine how it was that these people could eat a diet so rich in animal fat, and yet show virtually no signs of cardiovascular disease.

What they discovered is that by regular fish consumption or daily supplementation with omega3 capsules a person can reduce the risks associated with myocardial infarction, and improve blood flow. The way that increased blood flow is achieved is that EPA significantly reduces the thickness of the carotid arteries. Omega fatty acids offer more heart health benefits as well.

These include lowering your triglyceride level on average up to 45%, and your VLDL cholesterol level by greater than 50%. Studies have shown that people taking in daily doses of omega fatty acids have superior cardiovascular function, and a reduced incidence of non-fatal coronary events. These nutrients have also proven to improve the blood flow levels of those with unhealthy blood sugar levels.

Further studies have shown that there is a deficiency in omega fatty acid metabolism associated with both animal and human diabetes. DHA has been found effective in preventing the neuropathy in streptozotocin-induced diabetes, by significantly reducing nerve conduction velocity, nerve blood flow,cheap beats by dre, and sciatic nerve and red blood cell activities.

The effect that supplementing with omega3 capsules has on your cognitive function may be the most amazing attribute of all. DHA is credited with being a key force behind proper cognitive development, and in the maintenance of cognitive function as we get older. Healthy levels of DHA improves both memory, the ability to learn, and has been found helpful in preventing mental disorders.

This omega fatty acid is effective for alleviating the symptoms of depression, aggressive hostility, ADHD, and cystic fibrosis. DHA supplementation can actually help prevent the onset of Alzheimer disease by preventing the buildup of amyloid plaque. Mother that supplement with DHA during pregnancy may actually increase their children IQ by 6% to 10%.

Adding omega3 capsules to your diet can help to improve allergies, asthma, arthritis, gout, and inflammatory bowel disease. DHA is also what is responsible for the development of visual acuity, and improve a child hand and eye coordination. It is simply amazing how much of a difference the simple act of taking an omega fatty acid supplement can do for you.

Make no mistake about it. The evidence makes it clear that including omega3 capsules in your diet can have an amazing affect on your health. You have got to begin supplementing your diet today, so that you can take advantage of the many benefits that these capsules have to offer. Related articles:

