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The night breeze of the camp inside soldier's discussion and cold blows on the face to tell they this to be very likely to be a reality.
"Please step aside, I request to go in as a text gram Kingdom princess of Delhi and Qin lately private good friend!"
Wore Lin Mei Li Er to bite to grind teeth, she wanted to confirm that she just saw wrong, she wanted to confirm that Qin is lately just bright absolute being to make, confirm the other party really because the body is unwell foolish in the tent, seeming this isn't oneself to want to know what, but only and for confirming to let others see.
"Princess!"Lun Bei Si knows suspecting of the other party already to the degree that will soon break out extent, hurriedly an expression of eyes, follow behind own subordinate shouts all round and come over all of a sudden, round to the tent ram-jam full.
"Brave!Do you want to defy the order of the tallest director in the army camp?"
The faces that wear Lin Mei Li Er all rise red, she finally cuts up rough, even the tearses all flow in the eye socket, she at sorrow why Qin Xin thus the cruel pair of insulate in his friend's outside of circle by himself/herself,does not a princess of oneself still match to become a friend with him?Has he already had lover?And now in the tent?Who is that woman ?Is a female fiesta department Wen Nuo?What ability that woman has to impede himself/herself?She will go in, see that heartless youth and saw him to exactly conceal to he what today.Wear Lin Mei Li Er have already lost quickly at this time rational, as for oneself most the viewpoint of place have already thrown a brain after.
Wear Lin Mei Li Er to yell under, almost up to 100 garrisons army corps the soldiers all ran to come over, all of the dazzlingly clear weapon aimed at a Lun shell in the torch Si's waiting a person , on arrows tower in the watching from a distance of distance, have already had many bow and arrow hands to open bow and arrow.
The subordinate of Lun shell Sis all frightenedly looking at his/her own captain, they clear this person of they basically can not impede these to garrison army corps soldier, takes more than 10 seconds, this only several ten people the meeting be had no crack by four cents.
"Princess' his highness ……invite an etc. again, the absolute being makes adult in the danger now now, if you come in, he may come to any further very much however came!"
The tent inside suddenly spreads Wen Nuo quiet voice and wears Lin Mei Li Er's one Zheng and seem to have already understood what, sneer at ground to toward a tent to say:"The fiesta department adult sacred sorcery ability is outstanding I wait to all know, but I can tell you, the gram Kingdom in text Delhi also has deluxe sacred sorcery teacher, Qin lately old disease I can be responsible for, besides is that I come in and see, can't hold up you to cure, either?Garrison army corps the soldier listen to, every impede origin what princess go in, all shoot on sight!"
More and more garrison army corps the soldier surrounded a very small tent inside three heavy outside three heavy, a Si that full of bellicositily looking at a Lun shell waits a person, princess Deng a move a step to act.
The Lun shell Si shuts ascend eyes, slowly drew out knight's sword, he knew that the affair has been almost irretrievable, because even if Qin lately rushes through back now, can not also enter a tent,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com, oneself now wants to do of, be implement own promise, hard be on duty at post till the last a moment.The subordinate on all sides a s all silently pulled out weapon and just held the hands of weapon all at tiny shiver.
Wore Lin Mei Li Er to slightly move an one step, haven't come yet and issue an order, suddenly feel the air on all sides take place variety.
Numerous tornado appear in the army camp on all sides, then fly and soon climb over high great protection palisades, the wodden post moment going deep into mud is connected a root and pulls out, at revolve of dance in the wind in current of air, towering strong wind book curl up of the snowflake hide a sky and shut a day and blow the whole army camp shake and sway, the lighted torch tumbles down at snow inside in, the torch is blown and put out, breeze snow covered up a campfire, there will be a tent that blow easternly and pour west slanting, Gao Da Dun's arrows tower sends out fearing of Ga Zhi voice then tumble down, a group of cluster soldiers are also rushing toward and climbing and rolling a dozen in snow dance, having some strong soldier and pulling and frighten of the war horse loudly shout.Many people start yelling "snow storm came" of the terror exclaim.The light of fires of the havings in the encampment all disappeared, almost all people was surrounded by breeze snow, in succession receive last eyes, hold tight nearby any bodily thing of canning fix.
Breeze snow that the person of Qin Xin tent surroundings is also come all of a sudden blews down in the ground, a throws Kui to leave AN and climb on the ground can not move, can force the person of title, also drive the strong breeze in the dark night suddenly and violently snow to received view, one meter outside in addition to very thick snow fog basically can't see any thing.
BE only separating army camp not to get to the dark night of 100 meters in, snow on all sides is original but one hospice, one lost small sorcery teacher to just finish displaying a certain strong breeze to fasten sorcery, hurriedly shrunk body to hurtle into breeze snow in the distance not in ……

Four-part breeze moves chapter 11 to grasp crazy feeling(a)
Renew time:2008-4-422:12:10 chapter word numbers:10987

After more than ten minutes, this strong breeze snow in the dark night dances to arrive like it similar and in a twinkling stop down, afloat revolve in the sky of the wood, tent and snowflake is to suddenly lose choreographic interest, a root, one slice falls to return to ground, zero zero spread, horizontal seven Shu 8 grounds spreads full in the one wolf book allied troops' encampment, that breeze book strength good elephant that wreak havoc from disappear without basis sparse spread, everythings all resumed equanimity.
Wore Lin Mei Li Er to difficultly raise a head, discovered body up have already overalies thick 1 F white snow, hope again on all sides, be calm of the encampment almost can't see an intact tent, snow ground inside only a heap of heap tiny swollen light snow wraps.
Because a voice curses and scolds and sighs and wears Lin Mei Li Er's light snow pack to break open in succession, one and other soldier from in climbed out, tremble the snowflake on the body, immediately after and in a hurry toward wearing Lin Mei Li Er to run, carefully start to pull this spoiled princess.
The army camp inside starts appearing light of fire, is stired by breeze snow dizzy people of head suddenly discover in addition to the encampment is subjected to breeze of bigger scope snow assault, this surface looks all over the place tornado and in fact combines in order to result in and injure too greatly to the army camp, almost have no a personal body and suffer from injury, connect those panics lose control of war Ma Shen up can not see a little injury all feel to pretty much rejoice either, gradually the unlucky atmosphere becomes funny and easily towards nearby distress companion being like and starts mutual taunt.
Lun shell the Si is immediately after thunder boon, then is that a kind of insect is beautiful, constantly someone drilled snow wrap and all peep out the air that can not believe on the face, then all without previous arrangement saw go at first toward the position of tent the vision, result a got a shock.
A big regiment snow wraps to appear in the position of tent and just sees highly seem to be different from is a tent, good elephant a table be covered up by snow.
"Is not good!The Wen Nuo fiesta department is covered up at in!"Thunder boon the first shouted, the immediately after circumferential person hurtled up and clumsily used various with be within the reach of of thing even is pick to have accumulated snow.
Wear Lin Mei Li the Er Bing live breath, the in the mind nervously wants to die, she doesn't know just whether Qin is also buried over there, if BE, own all guesses will become a kind of joke, she again very frightened, she afraid Qin Xin's in danger, the after all circumferential person has already said Qin lately seem is falling sick on the bed, will thus severe breeze snow can't bring injury to him?
More want to more worry, wore Lin Mei Li Er to also hurtle into crowd, by hand held up to accumulate to throw part snow, more praise over sensitive inside more suffered, tears again beginning cannot stop flowed down, finally simply sob voice, surroundings of the persons are all silent have no language.
Peeped out a piece of full-length gown dress first Cape, a kind of insect is beautiful to call to get up right away:"!Is a Wen elder sister Nuo!"
More and more accumulated snows are cleaned up to open, female fiesta department of the body exposed out, the Lun shell Si robbed an one step the head of Wen Nuo is from snow in divide.
"Quickly, the absolute being make the adult is in my underneath, he doesn't go!"
The Wen Nuo cringes to become to deliver purple lips because of the chill, the look in the eyes is so anxious, simultaneously plane the Lun bassist of snow to stop 1, know it in heart what mean, again see eyes of the other party, incredibly can not tell a silk to praise highly intentionally and inwardly this female fiesta department indeed as expected responds quick in action, mature old hot, also know the crisis has been already passed by, just this storm is in fact a Di Nuo to intentionally transfer the person's view.
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