
www.beats4monster.co.uk o suppress die IMa

Certainly will be used this kind of stupid of the method alleviate the symptom of lovesickness.
At this time, the canteen sends out the voice bursting to ring, the moxa Rui gram hurriedly rushes toward to turn off a head and poured one cup to the friend.
"Ratio pull a Mu bubble of difficult drink."Chuo one mouthful, the absolute being officer knits the brows.
"But affirmation compares what you steeped to drink so much!"The moxa Rui gram pounded his one punch, " to, how a few days ago didn't see you make a research indiscriminately?"The Anne law-abiding cent ground stays in the book room and harms him to still think that this friend reform, turned over a new leaf.
"!"Once the officer of the absolute being clap a forehead, nervously ask a way, " moxa inside, today several numbers?"
The absolute being officer loosenned tone and let go of cup and turned a head to rush at ruins and was devoted to turn over to seek, turn over along while just think of his/her own meeting sorcery, read the incantation that looks for a product, metal box echoes to start to fly and falls in his center of palm of hand.
"Moxa inside, I go out for a while!Occupy to call me with this!"Throw a summons crystal to the friend a cake of, the silver hair youth flies to like rush a village.
"Ah ……" Jing have the captain Leng Leng ground lo wear his figure wink to disappear, suddenly the visual field is one flower, settle once the Jing see, is a blue shadow, jump up to make track for to far go to of person.
Is the thunder strange?Is it all right?Also to, have that kind of lord son, don't order skill where can live till today.
Overalying the birch wood of red stone mountain range has already shed off greater half and seems to be very disconsolate.Trample a ground of withered leaf, the absolute being officer doesn't flow a drop of sweat ground to climb to up took a look halfway up a hill and every where and call a way:"Snow son!Snow son!"
Have never waited him to call the third, wear the eastern city spy of ash tunic quiet quiet emergence, conjecture him with the surprised vision.
"Snow son!"The absolute being officer happily heads for her.
"Today how come to seek me on one's own initiative?You not is avoid me such as the snakes and scorpions?"
The officer of"E, that ……" absolute being is embarrassed to stop a step, the beautiful face rises is red, "sorry."
Snow dew beats nasal cavity to hum one especially upset.Worry the silver delivers the condition of the injury of youth, she once specially lefted for visit, didn't expect the patient sees her first reaction, is connected roll take climb hid behind in the wardrobe, also use the taste Chou of taking precautions against the sex maniac abnormal condition she.
"But, who call you puzzling to do something like that to me!"
Is puzzling?This time snow dew especially eye in not is to come out spark, but projected murderous look.
He thinks that she is puzzling to kiss him!?
"Be not?"The absolute being officer sees her variety and scarted to scart a head, " that …you are to want to suppress die I?"Make reference to here, his air ascends the Kua come down:"Snow son, you not is forgive me?"
Calm down!I must calm down!Snow dew hands tree trunk especially and adjusts even breath hard in case the wrath breaks through rational palisades, control don't live to wring into an at present person minced meat with the steel line.
Calm down to order, I am to have already known Yao, this guy have much dull!Can do it slowly, not the ability is anxious.If I tell him the true facts now, will be like similar resulted in anti- effect last time.
Work well mental state construction, snow dew especially instauration coolly of facial expression, once turn round:"Do you seek me to have what matter today?"
"Snow son~~~"
"I forgave you!"
The officer of the absolute being this just re-collects joys Yan, three combine 2 to walk to her in front, pass metal box:"Happy birthday!"
The purple hair young girl is foolish a long time, just red the face once connected a gift and felt in the mind warm ocean ocean.
"Open and see, is that I personally do!"See she hold motionless, absolute being the officer is anxious, press a way.
"Can't be leg-pull?"Especially snow dew doubt ground stares at box and think of before every time round birthday, the silver delivered youths to all send the thing like the pepperystomach-ache bomb to her.
"I was no longer a child!"
I feel still very immature.Snow dew especially Ni his one eye, open a box of cover.
On the flannel of scarlet, a Mi the hand wreath of the silver system carries decorum to just put.The wreath body is engraved into the shape of grape, Zhui with ground drill the red of sort to inset a stone, the pattern is lifelike, imitate a Buddha real plant, it is thus clear that carve the mental strategy and handicraft of .
"This is ……really red flame!"
Snow dew stares those rubies especially and pours to take out a cool spirit.
It is a reaction like this to don't expect, absolute being officer Leng Leng:"Yi, do you know?"
"Of Suo Lai!This is which seek?"
"The lake of Huang Dan ……feed!Where do you go?"
The childhood friends followed with eyes to turn round to in a hurry run to walk, absolute being the officer is dense as a block, very long just return to absolute being, upsetly soliloquize:"Is really of, somehow also the Kua is a , did several days of ……"
Faraway fan fog forest inside, if there are a pair of eyes, , just through the mirror, observe this act.
"Oh ah, I haven't controled him, he give°s the thing she, the luck of Luo's orchid still really isn't general good."
Pa west Si Qiao wear two Lang legs sit on the historic monument of center of lake, the pure white high index finger lightly flicks, with him have homology youth of permitting the Zi concealed go from the mirror noodles, change purple hair young girl of figure.At this time, he after death rings out a voice that belongs to a youth:
"Do you want to control him again?"
", Small thunder!"The silver hair youth becomes overdo, is really realistic to slice happily on the beautiful face.
The thunder strange attitude of the small thunder-person's form is with his contrary inhospitality, thin Huang's Mou son writes upset:"Although is your to divide time, he was already an independent individual, you didn't want to always control him to go not to go."
"Qi!I even the infants can inattentively trample by milli- Be getting flatter, control to ownly divide time to calculate what."Pa west the Si give a snicker, " besides he originally be I built of, I loved how to use him how used him."Thunder strange purse one's lips not language, facial expression dare Nu but not dare to talk.
"Good good, see in your face, I control less him as far as possible be."Put a hand, Pa west the Si return overdo, the Zhan opens the smiling face of the sort air of cheerfulness of kid, the tone is full of to jump up feeling, " small thunder small thunder, make tea for me, I want to appreciate a beauty, there is cup tea willing even have atmosphere in the hand."
Thunder strange Pie the mirror is one eye, surprisedly pick eyebrow:"You say of beauty, be point her?"
"To!Resembling Rosa's rice is second?"
"You unexpectedly still remember the woman who is murdered and raped by you."Thunder strange light Zhao.
"Wanted to forget isn't she easy, taste so good woman."Pa west the Si still keep clean and purely smiling, but the bluish green Mou of inclined Ni pet seep into one silk evil ways, " small thunder, are you blaming me?"
"What I don't blame you, should blame you is yourself."
"Admire!Because does she die in front of me?"Pa west Si with once the hand flick, suspend the crystal mirror before the body at him is ground to become must slice, unrestrainedly smile an idea just like dark of wing, the beautiful and clean side permits over there up write freely to open, " tells you!Even if she again miserably 10,00000%, I can't have, either any sorry and ashamed!Because all of everythings are that she has only oneself to blame!"
"Guilty of is her father, isn't her!"The thunder strange voice also greatly gets up.
"This is her offense."Pa west Si voice on sinking, but easily the town live thunder strange vehemence.
Very long, the blue hair youth just flounces invisible tie and sighs long spirit.
"If know that you use this way to revenge for him, Xiao Mr. En will definitely cry dead,www.beats4monster.co.uk."
"Oh, I can't make him know again."Pa west the Si smile, very pure also very pleased laughter, and his clean outlooking pretty much the sort go together with and let how a soul that people can not imagine to hide under this external appearance.
The thunder strange in perplexity eyes him:"Why clearly the improbity arrive inside of you, can smile thus docile have no evil?"
"This was the capability."Pa west the Si raise head and chest out, a跩 kind, " for doing not let Xiao boon the teacher discover two of us' man's natural character, I and thin Li west second have been being delving into the technique of smiling face;For silently polishing off is secretly making ghost to want to frame up his person, this is also the necessary means, so even if the in the mind beats to kill people to set fire of idea, we as usual can smile more kindly than the Holy Motherly."
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