"Hey Hey!That BE, this steel although the chain gets up simple a lot of, the price still wants than the cast iron many expensive.And steel like this, also still have a problem on the quality, they also aer little bit a little bit harder than cast iron, the dosage of 80%, promise that they didn't deep-fry the extreme limit of Tang."Bo Ge Nan not the Kui escape Nu for nobility home and see the Kang cypress change facial expression, right away also the Yu smile to flatter his words.
Kang cypress to the steel gun will deep-fry Tang very comprehension, don't say a strong line of steel of Gan Guo that urges to living out of oneself, is a modern social of common steel, use to make a gun tube, cannon tube, that is also absolutely nothing doing.Also still use a cast iron gun tube now now, just there is the possibility to a little bit replace for a while, even also can replace a gun tube and use to replace the cannon none of tube to go, although this aspect is more strange,the fact is the ancient cannon that the common steel makes to take care of, the not equal to copper cannon tube contains tenacity.Truely modern cannon tube, all what to use is a metal alloy steel.
"The jazz in fact makes a steel gun to completely have no necessity, now we manufacturing production, life use the profits of steelwork tallest, the yield of the steel original few, transfer a great deal of steel makes a fire gun, also not necessarily so can sell."Grillage Si Pan put 1.
"That you feel gun efficiency like this how?Can earn back the additional devotion for spending?Make that kind of now the income of the gun will be the biggest?"The Kang cypress continues Xun to ask.
These common steel originally the most suitable suitable for use to produced to live tools and implements, if there is no a great deal of need of canal engineering, the Kang cypress might consider and put the research direction of steel mainly in making ammunition, but grillage Si Pan means that the steel profits like this was the biggest, immediately started thinking of a plan toward the public steelwork market now.Pure military use, the certainly not equal to armed forces and people give attention to both to come of well.
"The efficiency is too low, affirmation earns not to come back."Bo Ge Nan and grillage Si Pan almost at the same time answer.
Bo Ge Nan added 1 again:
"In fact the owner lets the double tube that I build to reply a gun very good, once saw us wanting to buy this kind of gun to try the many people of the gun on the town.And living the gun tube of iron castings, than the steel system gun tube the cheapness is many."
"Yes!Jazz, Allah the airtight Si want to prepare a militiaman self-defense soldier with this kind of gun.Because the cast iron makes steel or Duan the mature iron profits is larger, plus a small town to have no money changes a material for militiaman, we just hasn't been promising."Grillage Si Pan beside proves.
"How to not promise!Grillage Si Pan, Allah the militiaman of the airtight Si self-defense soldier, is tantamount to the militiaman of our household, is our guarantee of household safety, they want a gun, we certainly need to have the initiative assurance.And the public finance of town has enough money to buy a fire gun now, I will let to allocate funds committee to stir some money to buy this kind of double of tube exclusively to reply a gun."The Kang cypress claps plank decision."Moreover remake to build a batch of doubles tube to reply a gun come outward sale.I see this gun gun the sale prospect in the public market is also very wide, many a gun tube, at the right moment can make up to reply a gun to pack to play the weakness that time grows, those hunters' affirming will like.The workshop scale is small now, the cast iron is as low as steel yield, waits in the future yield up, we affirmation want to give attention to both an everyone noodles market.And the steel yield is low now, price Gao, affirmation in the future will decline of, the profits of fire gun affirms to have to be high than the profits of other steelworks when the time comes."
Have in impression a Be in remembrance of is French big revolution of have an oil painting, call freedom guide people, that painting inside of revolution, take of main weapon be double light to reply a gun.These are a kind of armed forces and people with very vast prospect two use weapons, because he still has a name, is a pair of tubes hunting rifles.
"BE, jazz."2 people promise at the same time.
"Bo Ge Nan, you still need to strengthen a technique research and raise the function of existing fire gun possibly.The research of that steel gun is very good, sell at cost now, continue to study, until studying can greatly earn of gun."
Double tube to reply a getting stripe of gun the space is still very big, the Kang cypress certainly needs to strengthen a research.As for steel gun, that was the development direction of "future fire gun", certainly needed to strengthen to study.
"This, I have been being doing an experimenting of steel gun as well, if the detection raises the tenacity of steel, can increase explosive dosage, can a little bit lift the artillery range of a little higher fire gun.However you probably don't know, the test like this consumes to take a lot of time very much, and easily arouses deep-fried Tang, so after Mr. Pan of grillage Si reduced the supply of steel, my experiment until now didn't°yet achievement."Bo Ge Nan doesn't dare to see grillage Si Pan of direct beat toward the Kang cypress small report.
"Reduce a steel supply?"The Kang cypress shook to shake head and estimated to is a tight recent steel Qiao, grillage Si Pan was affirmative to take first to build a public article to sell money.
To grillage Si Pan's loyal he have no the slightest doubt, also didn't blame, only is turn an order:
"Grillage Si Pan, resume to on trial steel support right away, study a new fire gun first.Although make money is the first of, after new fire gun comes out, we not only only will get profits, but also will give us the household in the whole North America of political
"BE, I let the workshop resume the steel supply of laboratory right away." Grillage Si Pan nowise hesitates of promised down.
Everything done by him , completely for the sake of household Lee's benefits consideration, hears the order and reasons of Kang cypress, certainly can't hesitate.Didn't blame and scold the steel supply that he reduces laboratory without authorization to the Kang cypress, didn't also feel that Xu Yao specially thanks.
"Good!That so."The Kang cypress prepares to turn round to leave.
"Ah!Master, didn't you see another thing?"Bo Ge Nan hurriedly makes a noise to stay a person.
"Another thing?Not is say that made how many pairs tube fire gun, don't make other fire guns?"
"The fire gun certainly has no, but I didn't say to don't make an artillery!"The dissatisfied loudness of Bo Ge Nan defends.
"Artillery?"The Kang cypress got a fright, " who make you make an artillery?Is successful?Have deep-fried Tang?"
The fire gun deep-fried Tang at most also kills by explosion a person who tries a gun, if the artillery is wrong, can't be die a 2 people of affair.
"Hey Hey!This, you not is say to make me experiment after the creation the fire gun of the Tang Yao, that thing is more difficult, so I tried Zhu first a few artilleries is to living iron casting, this even if deep-fried Tang, directly made steel after at the right moment canning smash as well."Bo Ge Nan Xi says with a smile.
"Did that succeed?Where is the cannon ?"The Kang cypress comes to interest.
" At behind of big yard in."Often the excitement of Bo Ge South Africa prepares to take a Kang cypress to left for.
"That is also so long-term to come, in addition to double the tube come to reply a gun, the only successful work."Flank of grillage Si Pan also smile to make collective report to the Kang cypress.
[Fly database net feiku.com]
Section 58 is in fact a son mother cannon
The big yard that 3 people soon came right away Bo Ge Nan to say,beats by dre pro.
Positive word row opens three small scaled artilleries in that hospital, standard of field battle model number, each small scaled artilleries drive install many tall wood systems the gun carriage is in a per person up(the car wheel is the tallest), the cannon takes care of black You You of, have already had much of the felling of regular army artillery.
"This is the artillery that you make!"The Kang cypress great feeling is shocked.
The Pittsburgh fortress originally had an artillery, he certainly is experienced intemperate cannon, however and that several artillery that kept a tube type were one ratio, this was a few small, empress Tang bulky artillery, not only the caliber was a little bit big penny, the shape is also advanced many.Surprisingly Related articles: