
Beats by Dre Just Beats Comforting by one'

Comforting by one's own is a , after mental state passed, other everythings did so much.
He Gui has already known that oneself this time sleeps it's overdo and sleep a heel oneself together the body of the guy of the same surname inside, and replace.But now he the place of place, is no longer what be located in Shanghai City of the People's Republic of China the southeast, but Shaanxi province that is located in a big Manchu Dynasty northwest together the state mansion dynasty Yi the Yi Chuang governed by county!
And his place of this what big hospital in the house, although be named "big hospital", can physically also have no much and greatly.In live for what clan long, namely elderly gentleman's 1.Here noodles in addition to elderly gentleman with have been already known of eldest brother He Shou Cai of He Jia, its son He Jin Ji outside, also have one old two guard rich with and two of his son, He Jin Bao, , He Jin Xi.This year of He Shou Cai 39, He Shou Fu just 32, He Jin Ji 16, the one of He Jin Bao and both He Jin Xis' boy is 11 years old, the another is just 8 years old.Certainly, He Jia Liang's brotherseses also all have a daughter-in-law, He Shou Cai's daughter-in-law call square surname, He Shou Fu's wife is Zhang Shi, in addition, He Jia still has two maids now, two Ya wreaths, two day labors and a short work, this short work is newly arrived He Gui him/herself.
Very small one landlord!
This is He Gui's evaluation to He Jia!
But, again the small landlord is also his He Gui's food and clothing parents now!The life ground isn't familiar, connect a ground for settling down sons all have no, so, what house although have a lot of stem of living to wants, there are a lot of words and listen to, have a lot of freedom want to be subjected to stipulation, can he didn't choose of leeway, can honestly depend on another person for support.Because if the dishonesty is willing to do, if let what house of which individual looking at dissatisfied, go toward him outside on bombing, is he toward where crying?
"He Gui,Beats by Dre Just Beats!"
"Hey, two Yes, what order do you have?"
Isn't an adulation, but have some to try to please again facial expression, let people looking at comfortable, and don't feel excessive!This is He Gui!Come to already having of He Jia more than two months probably, within this period of time, he thinks that he progresses a lot, particularly is to perform achievement bottom, absolutely is more ascend a few floors, otherwise how to so naturally can perform a flavor that descends a person.However, although this result makes him feeling satisfied, can at the same time also tinily the harassment wear him!Because these "progress"ed too naturally, nature to make him all feel unimaginable by himself.Oneself naturally be be slave of anticipate son?This can be extremely bad!However this words say back again, if can return to words for 21 centuries, by dint of this body skill, robbed a king the bowl just, playing and 珅 should don't become what problem.
"Front yard not is have a set of rooms?You sweep there and lead for two days, Mr. Wang is about to come back!We must give somebody else at full cock!"He Jia Lao two, He Shou Fu freely order way.
"Mr. Wang?Which Mr. Wang?"He Gui Zheng for a while, ask a way.
"Not just enter Ji, enter the Sir of treasure that Sa boy?Front segment time returned to celebrate the New Year and had already in a couple of days come back!We always can not even the somebody else's house also not gives to sweep for a while be not?"He Shou Fu answers a way.What family mostly like to chat with He Gui, this boy mouth is sweet!From beat year ago to let on coming in to start, for keeping calling of"elderly gentleman, big Ye, two Yes, young masters, madam" what this a few sons in the house very is led habit once.To know before can no one once called so them!For what?The home hired before of person inside in mostly a Chuang of, village neighborhood person of hometown of, He Jia Yi be not what Ta-f of house, two again isn't a fragrance of books have been already spread, which had so many ruleses?Take He Shou Fu to say, the day labor in past mostly directly calls his autonym"guarding is rich", even still calling of some a little bit old sons he"is small two", bestly BE"little landlord", although it is said this also the nothing important isn't satisfactory, but, from beat what expensive after coming, this doesn't go.Press the words of He Gui him/herself to say, they are landlords ah, the landlord has to have the imposing style of landlord, have to have the rules of landlord!So, this rules would not° until sign go!Hence, is very quick, the form of address in He Gui Kou became what the family's standard terminology.And let what family surprisingly BE, this kind of terminology is also very quick of get about a Yi Chuang, very naturally be accepted by the most people of Yi Chuang and apply, but in this way, very short a month or so after, He Jia solemnly has already become the best big door of Yi Chuang, unclearly however still press moreover a big door square head of in the house!Who can thought of this very small title and then can bring this kind of variety?This not,cheap dr dre beats, He Jia elderly gentleman for showing an identity, time is just intending carelessly expand again a to enter yard!
"Young master's Sir?……Teach a Sir?"Looking at He Shou Fu to seem some careless facial expressions, He Gui asked 1 again.
"Can not?Is the doing not know as well at the beginning my dad how to think?Don't want to invite to teach a Sir, our He Jia from beat Zu top since is the farmer that honesty Ba hands over, at present ability the Zheng descend this family possessions not easy, can not eat and then stay Bai, still must spend to go out 22 annually, from enter pleased be born to start to calculate that year, now all 78 years, have never also seen into the guitars to have what productive.Those are more than ten good farms, this price is still in the common age, if famine year, several 10 acres was all worth ……"He Shou Fu's side say that the side shakes head.His pouring is really also a Kui not is own name, stayed by the side not to want to make moves again, an appearance that inviting a Sir to teach Kui is big.
"Hey!I say two Yes, you this can speak amiss, elderly gentleman that but have great foresight for the future!"He Gui stretches out thumb and rowed a turn before He Shou Fu's eyes.
"What ……Gao, what far?"What some money in the house, but, although He Shou Fu has a little bit some knowledges,he still can not get into the row or column of "have culture", to what expensively use a phrase to immediately feel not apprehensible.
"The Hey Hey also has no what, be say an elderly gentleman to stand highly, see far of meaning!"He Gui smiles happily ground to answer a way.
"What meaning?"Did not attach to He Gui and oneself, He Shou is rich with some not happy.
"Hey Hey, two Yes, the elderly gentleman makes young master study, that is to spend money indiscriminately, that purely for allowing our He Jia to more ascend 1 F floor!Have you never heard this sentence?'Ten thousand sorts all low grade, only study Gao'!Study to read good, that our He Jia can be much more than the head of the Yi Chuang door!Perhaps do the whole dynasty Yi counties all know us when the time comes!"He Gui's originally meaning to say the whole Shaanxi provinces can know what house, can want this grade of He Shou Fu to perhaps still could not comprehend that layer, so,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com, is simply to keep the next two classeses, don't say as well together with the state mansion, stayed a dynasty Yi county.
"This words who don't know?It is that material to just go to can also get."He Shou Fu put to put a hand, an appearance that I early know, " reads in times before what three words through, thousand not saying of the word textses, this county tried all and passed for 23 years and entered Ji, enter treasure this how many boys still don't all not be just a kid to living?Didn't lead at a time, also as usual what all be not!In my eyes, they basically be not study of anticipate ……this is the beard to spend money!"
"Two Yes, this can not exactly oh!Your Zha knows young master, they test this year not medium?Perhaps, another day's taking for you to come back not only is just a show and also have the placard to raise a person!"He Gui says.
"Got!You don't talk nonsense!What is raising the person ?That is the text song star!This good matter son can fall our old He Jia?"He Shou Fu laughs at ground to took a look what expensive, put to put a hand, " didn't say with you, you were clean to know okay.Is quick to tidy up front yard that house!The words held up, my dad is again getting angry!"
"Get, two Yes you trust, I this goes!"Summer insect can not language ice, being the toad can not say swan, what expensive should 1, shake a head, the stem lives go to.

Is a spool of to is a farmer chapter 4 this to also call to teach?
Renew time:2008-6-2919:54:28 chapter word numbers:2749

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