
Beats by Dr Dre studio ever great powers ha

Beautiful trade the specific weight in Chinese foreign trade rises to 19% from 7.5% of five year agos, this is very quite good result, exceeded the second import country that England and France becomes China, but was more opposite than Germany to promote to 40% ground result from 11%.The result of American industry and business business enterprise mutually the form saw Chu.Just wanting severals and trading a junior high school to Chinese landlord most importantly is well worth mentioning England because China founds a nation the behavior that early intention loots and incenses Tan Yan and just input to British capital and control of scathing be second only to the trade to Japan, make recent five in the last years Englandses straightly descend to the China exit and bilateral trade volume.The Chinese and English trade only takes up 16% of the Chinese foreign trade specific weight not to arrive currently.Occupies the third, the fourth of is France.Afterward would be Russia.
Germany lets in the position of China great powers in all countries include the United States at inside all very jealous, so far, China founds a nation five in the last yearses to hard to say ascend the whichever great powers has proper oneself geography dint site, England and France that embraced to have this kind of viewpoint before encountered heavily stroke, the list saw remove Shanghai outside river valley in Yangtze River a foreign capital development for these several years most for quickly isn't England.And British capital is also more and more sad in the day of the river valley of Yangtze River, its support shipping the industry have already soon been almost exhausted encroached upon-though the business follows free spirit.But the businessman of China frightened officials far more than the whole, be like Tan Yan by hand and tightly gripped the throat of Japan in those early years, he also used a pair of invisibles of hand stroke England's merchant capital in R.O.C, in Yangtze River and a few other important channel up, after getting Tan Shi's capital and becoming number of of canvass business the steamer is well-deserved China of Ba lord, but regardless from a customer is still a scale, too ancient, Yi and now connect"fierce dragon" all calculate not up, cure in the powerful land administration and under the economic wrist, they connect repeat 20 year ago consume battle front qualifications all have no.===
Though China hasn't to the native maritime customs absolutely controled power so far,can foresee after this war victory in the Sino-Russian.This kind of loses the power Ru country ground the phenomenon don't obviously and impossibly continue to keep on maintaining.China's carrying the Wei of victory to come to propose a pre-eminent solution to the sensitive problems like maritime customs,etc this is already the trend that nails on the plank.What the United States and Germany wants to consider BE, China is after recalling independent power of maritime customs.The price that imports raw material from China by all means soars, and exports China of industrial product cost the ascension is also an inevitable trend, key a problem woulds be they can obtain in China to establish capital larger factory and directly produce an industrial article to carry on sale in China----Who can obtain important breakthrough in setting up factory capital limit, who can occupy more active position, Germany and the United States on the problem of Chinese market share of so enthusiastic about war in the intermediation Sino-Russian, intention also right here.
On point of dispute problem in the intermediation Sino-Russian, American obviously walk earlier than the German one step-the beginning of October, American president Roosevelt meets France to halt beautiful minister Zhu Sai Lang in the White House, and returns to reach agreement with England, "there is power in China determinedly request to capture sea cucumber Wei, and ensure an its party in government fresh advantage position, Korea should be placed to the protection of China under become the subsidiary country of China ……"
Roosevelt hopes that England and France can push to influence Russia and thus and early reach peaceful Sino-Russian treaty, as for this treaty to who more disadvantageous, this isn't the affair of the United States.American the be over war that hopes as early as possible, the war pushes for a day each time, China meeting is war keep on of victory but the whole country joys Teng, plus the military force of China and continuously inflate, the awakening of Chinese race emotion certanly will upsurge American heart and save and be afraid of of situation-according to the United States' reaction in numerous alien residentses in China, the Chinese are facing the time of foreigner always have 1 kind and be afraid and from the vulgar mental state, this is heartfelt, emotion mix awe and animosity, however along with China for winning victory one after another Russia war, Chinese race emotion upsurges, the Chinese are facing the time of foreigner, this kind of is thorough medullary of is fading away from the vulgar emotion.\\\\\
Although China currently opens degree distance the United States always advocates of the "open door" be very and far still apart from,this is to remove an English method to wait old-brand colonize a nation outside, China is to open degree to American capital opposite tallest, is also the most extensive market.China's importance to the United States has already started influencing statesmen for the United States' concern for China, Chinese people's mental variety nature will influence some sharp vision American politicians attention, and this has Roosevelt among them.
Roosevelt thinks to more and early solve war problem in the Sino-Russian to the United States more beneficial, because he also notices to spread from Russia of not only is only the bad news of war failure, Russian domestic has been already appeared of some anti- war emotion and the small scale strike for continuously appearing.Can imagine if the Chinese continue and hold tight Russia controls a not strong soft rib of strength and pursues relentlessly the words of fierce dozen in the far east, the hole resulted in of Russian's failure in the far east is more and more big, but local government and sand emperor's ground prestige by all means slump cause a series of social problem thus, the sediment that concealed in water bottom before will take advantage o certainly be started to stir, at first floated in the surface last problem will be more unmanageable.So Russia will experience a disaster, turning over will help the Chinese to make peace on the battlefield to judge a table of top to harvest largerly fruit----"At present all these if continue permissive next go, this will be a disaster to the United States.Is also equally such to Europe!"This is Roosevelt to currently some viewpoints of situation.Though some people don't approve his ground standpoint.
Compare to have to be a little bit more close under relationship with of France in Russia, American time.And England the opposition noodles from France just became the conversion as ally, sand emperor Russia's navy's policy once challenged England and also mostly had conflict on the railroad problem of Bagdad, so relationship with of Russia in England how much took one silk smell of gunpowder.
BE pulled by Russian Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Mu Si many orders, Russia halts a French ambassador many men in the Nies and prepares Russia reach the news of the contract and turn and reach and fill for the virtuous Er card of French foreign minister with China armistice.And reached treaty ground Russian bottom line to also do a notification.Although Russia successively defeats on the battlefield, comparing a larger military to fail at a time can not beat a pain Russia to the greed of far east.Pull Mu Si many men put forward Russia to cede any one part of national territories, the sea cucumber Wei has to return all any war indemnity of being Russian, and refusings and refuse to destroy a Pacific Fleet ……
The virtuous Er card of French foreign minister filled to receive China to halt French ambassador, Lu Xi Yuan, and formed a Russia's condition of contract to also do to turn to reach and meant France would like to from the medium intermediation two country wars.Lu Xi at first with not enough he or she's legal power needed instruct domestic for from temporarily had never done declare, but Russian condition fax that passes to halt German minister to allow view Cheng with China telegram to fill virtuous Er card to turn to reach after negotiating returns to country inside Ministry of Foreign Affairs, hope quickly get designation, certainly Lu Xi at first and allowed view Cheng heart in all very clear, locally reply affirmative is negative----Too the condition of Russian Ke engraves.Their railroads fixed carat Si promise second gram of Er Si.Distance the Lu strand of Chinese troops forward place mansion(full continent inside) still have 2,000 kilometers to above be apart from now, while Russia is apart from Lu strand in the ground key figure in Siberia red tower mansion to then only have several 100 kilometers.Is Chinese army main force since can from the Lu strand the mansion keep go into Mongolia, equally can set out and threaten red tower from here as well, more wonderful is a Lu strand's mansion and still has toward the north a not arrive 200 kilometer subway road, as long as let engineering the soldier take into and repair and then can directly be open to traffic to economize more one part luck dint.
Sand emperor Ni the thou pull two a life times although the approval starts making peace,Beats by Dr Dre studio, he still to carat Si promise second gram of Er Si add and send troops and pass 50,000 Russia soldiers with the train strong line of part of big railroad in Siberia that is inaugurated have already delivered to carat Si second gram of Er Si of promise, affirmation in China is to aim at a pike head red tower, these 50,000 Russian relief troopses will pass on foot or horse come to be responsible for Siberia, Russia that defends red tower the armed forces and increase and aid.
When Lu Xi Yuan's telegram puts Tan to postpone in the moment, he to this however is to smile to smile just, however he instant order return Related articles:

