
beats by dr dre pro for livinging their

Chapter 417 professional diplomats
Cool state impregnable city, this county is all being placed in the southeast direction of cool state, exactly cool states mansion Wu Wei to go to the only route of Yong state.Getting impregnable city generally at present is exactly the impregnable city that is previous to is drawn together by Dong Zhuo person hence and hand breeze person, Ma Teng, !
This hence and Ma Teng, all is at cool state hair house, hence is ever front great commander soldier enter invite, just hence the suggestion that put~to death to kill an eunuch toward what He Jin put forward but had no quilt enter to adopt, hence woulded be plea to return to cool state.Disorderly Huang Jin, imperial government to once the cool state took to once lose control, this caused the different clans that lived in the cool state eager for action!Win an even first year, north temple Bo Yu and Li Wen Hou rebel and killed impregnable city district magistrate Chen Yi, and hold hence and a named a side chapter of is handsome.Don't know this as well hence exactly is voluntarily or Be forced, in fine this hence would be the commander-in-chief of becoming these rebellious troopses, however the next year but again is sent by the imperial government of battalion defeat.But at that time come among the even and disorderly battalion, have Dong Zhuo's figure!
Just seemed at that time hence had no with Dong Zhuo much handed over to gather, hence of rebellious troops after failing, in addition to break out of pass, wait until after imperial government battalion drew off, hence but is simply to along together kill northern Bo Yu of the temple, Li Wen Hou and side chapter working together with oneself, truely became generally getting of the rebellious troops, and again lead rebellious troops to lay siege to Long west, at that time hence of threatening force, that is impending!But the imperial government was exactly a troublous times at that time, ten often wait on of disorderly, Dong Zhuo went into a city, this a series of affair occurrence, made the imperial government basically have no time to take care of hence.And the western cool sting history Geng Bi also only dealt with by himself/herself at that time hence!
But have never thought, haven't waited until Geng Bi to lead troops to beat hence in front, he drive own under charge to kill, and at that time just in the under charge of Geng Bi be took charge of Ma Teng of horse in the soldier, also in this time, formal with hence united a cake of!2 people annexed by force the troops and horses of the under charge of Geng Bi to start claiming leadership cool state, even after the event Dong Zhuo doesn't dare to take as well how are they.Afterwards 2 people again toss about how many times, period 2 people once made many quarrels as well, but the ends still keep becoming reconciled.
Early even three years, Dong Zhuo for drawing together 2 people, lend the hand of Emperor especially, seal hence be west for town general, Ma Teng for advertise for west general, 2 people help their own son-in-law's cows to assist to garrison cool state.And hence seeming to be also to lead to get fed up with this with Ma Teng is rebellious of day, would be to honestly accept to recruit Anne.2 people garrison impregnable city according to Dong Zhuo's arrangement, even if is a supervisor the cow of the cool state assist and saw their 2 people at ordinary times, that also wants guest polite spirit of, in the impregnable city, with lend them under two hands of 30,000 western cool soldiers, the also true nobody dares to ask for them!
Originally their 2 people led their safe days in the impregnable city, but have never thought, this troublesome but is sought to come!In the district magistrate mansion of impregnable city, hence and the face of Ma Teng Liang people up is cloudy or sunny uncertain, just and tightly stare at that Lei in front of them weak scholar. That scholar grows too frail to stand a gust of wind, only afraid is their casually one punch, can give° this scholar to beat to crouch down!Can problem BE, is a such a too frail to stand a gust of wind scholar, but is let hence feel unprecedented with Ma Teng of hesitant!
"General!General horse!Is already the third day today!Don't know two generals to previous have in the next proposal what opinion?"The that Lei weak scholar isn't other people, exactly Luo the sun under charge first to argue the private's Qin Mi!Just Qin Mi's facial expression is emaciated now, obviously this period of time but ate many bitternesses.Just this but can not change that self-confident expression of Qin Mi Lian, imitate if sit in front of him of, isn't two wars for killing people liking flies will, but two as too frail to stand a gust of wind as he scholars!
"Adult Qin!"Open mouth first of, but is more cultured outlooking hence, hence sink a voice to say:"Adult Qin several days ago talk, really is let I brothers 2 people showed interest very much!Just these in the last years, our brothers goes and lives with Dong Zhuo and also does many businesses of Mei consciences!How can adult Qin promise that we can't be betrayed by Luo's adult from now on?After coming to an autumn calculate Zhang!"
"Ha ha!"Qin Mi's eyes completed a rightness of curved months and roared with laughter ground to shake head to say:"Concerning this, at under really is can not promise!"
"E!"Originally thought that Qin Mi would be a various assurance, when the time comes, hence can lend machine to make various request!But have never thought Qin Mi completely not according to him imagine medium so answer, this bottom but let hence some grasp the intention of prohibiting Qin Mi.Hence saw one eye mutually with Ma Teng's both the elder brotherses, Ma Teng woulded be to sink a voice to drink a way later on:"Can not promise,beats by dr dre pro?Adult Qin!Might it not be you before say of, just play a joke on our brothers again not become?"Say, Ma Teng Shua's ground 1 stood, the right hand was already to gradually close to the waist haft that wears knife, only afraid a speech be unsuited to, will pull out knife mutually to!
For Ma Teng's action, but Qin Mi is to see if don't see, completely don't put Ma Teng's threat in the mind, just say with smile:"Just two generals since render service for Dong Zhuo now, but don't know that Dong Zhuo promises for two generals doing what?"
"Still want what assurance?"Ma Teng Leng hums 1 and drinks a way:"We brothers 2 people have a troops and horses in the hand, Dong Zhuo still really dare to our brothers two begin?"
"Ha ha ha ha!"Qin Mi but is suddenly look up at sky cachinnation get up, smile hence and Ma Teng Liang people that is puzzling, Qin Mi is smiling and saying:"Two generals since understand this truth, that still worries what?Even want Dong Zhuo to have scruples about for three centses with the real strenght of two generals!My house's lord Mr. compares with Dong Zhuo to still slightly have shortage!How could take two generals again how?Is the most important, but is two generals if really wanting to leave to throw clearly is dark?"
Say, Qin Mi is already lived laughter, one face sense of right the ground say to 2 people:"Dong Zhuo implements perverse policy, the failure is getting more predestined!Are all of two generals the heros of this chaotic,really would like to accompany Dong Zhuo to together walk into death?Lord in my house is male to is a Qi outside the big fellow, in the man county king!Compared with fame and prestige, world no man ability and!As long as two generals be willing to go and live with my house's lord Mr., in the future necessarily leave a good name for posterity!"
Qin Mi's words, say hence and Ma Teng Liang Yang Yang in the publics of.Actually, this words front of sky of Qin Mi San just arrived of time, is already to say 1 time, can say, Qin Mi at the right moment said to win hence and Ma Teng's worry!That's right, now hence and Ma Teng Liang people that wants power to contain power, the soldier has a soldier!Be good friends with a hundredfold compared with the person whom world the great majority battle out hollow reputation!Can problem BE, the 2 people one day there will will be old, will die, that stay to their posterity of, but is the bad reputation brought for livinging their first half!Especially Ma Teng, make reference to bottom, he is also those early years Fu wave the general horse aid of posterity, first Zu to man the room is only utterly loyal, help Wu Di in cheerful man room, it happened that arrived him this generation, unexpectedly degenerate to become traitor together a party!The person in this age, how much all is think greatly of own fame very much, this leaves a good name for posterity and leaves a bad name, to them, but is a ratio what all important affair!
Some ideas of seeing Ma Teng move of facial expression, hence hurriedly made to him a look in the eyes, signaling hint him don't declare first, immediately is again a positive color to say:"Depend on adult Qin say, the real strenght of Luo's adult cans not compare with Dong Zhuo now, that with what ask us to betray Dong Zhuo, go and live with Luo's adult?Ha ha, look like to do like this, to us, have some to suffer a los?"
Qin Mi is light on smiling, he has already seen come out, Ma Teng obviously has been already faltered, can bother of but still hence!This hence, is like a gambler, and is like a dishonest trader, he is making he is a good price for him, if Qin Mi can not make him satisfied, he will sign Ma Fan Lian, direct give°ed Qin Mi to kill, then took Qin Mi's person head to seek Dong Zhuo to seek credit!
However Qin Mi is can't drive hence to frighten to pour, he is the most severe, that was this to open mouth!So Qin Mi doesn't intend so cheapness hence, even if is hence is a piece of steel, Qin Mi also wanted to give° him to say to be curved can not!Right away, Qin Mi says with a smile:"Afraid of general still doesn't know?Before coming down cool state, once received my house's main male life, went to hope state and Xu Zhou Zou respectively a , purpose, but want to help my house a lord male, re- constitute to beg for alliance Tung!This time my house's lord Mr. but iron the heart want Dong Zhuo thoroughly to exterminate!And at under also on the whole is don't fail in mission luckily!Completed this matter for lord Mr.!My house's lord Mr. all reaches allies in the easts, in a few days will offend to break a letter entrance to valley and keeps the dog life of taking Dong Zhuo at present!"
Listen to Qin Mi's words, hence and Ma Teng is the air conditioner that was all unbearable to pour to absorb, this cool state is located in secluded, the news fills to shut, so, the news before this month, till now they still don't know.Hence saw one eye with Ma Teng Liang people mutually, is all dark on the face abnormality, this begs for alliance Tung to really is to set up, that Tung Zhuo can dangerous!
Beg for alliance Tung of severe, hence and Ma Teng is certainly very clear!Was exactly one to beg for alliance Tung and have already Chang-an forced to°from the Luo sun donged Zhuo in those early years, this time if come to force again for a while, that Tung Zhuo can have no the place escape!If Dong Zhuo put out, these people of that Tung Zhuo under charge can thoroughly doom!Hence and the small day of Ma Teng Liang people lead relaxedly very and not think and then accompany so Dong Zhuo to together pay with the life!
Just hence obviously don't think and then give up so, at that moment is also to roar with laughter, just that laughter how much is some unwillingly, know on listenning to is talk not from the heart.Listens to hence say with smile:"Adult Qin really loves joking!That closes an of eastern various Hou the antinomy is layer after layer, and then will easily promise allies?Adult Qin isn't thinking the matter of this alliance too and in brief!"
"Ha ha!"Qin Mi but is one face breeze light cloud is thin, say with smile:"If put before being probably still really a matter of distress more!However luckily a few months ago, Dong Ze just did a matter for my house's lord Mr., so, my house's lord Mr. woulded make sure, the alliance must is successful this time!"
"E?"Qin Mi's this words but is to say suspiciously, this Luo's sun and Dong Zhuo that was completely the enemy, how does Dong Zhuo also make moves to help Luo's sun?Hence the full face suspiciously turned a head to see one eye Ma Teng, and Ma Teng is also a Zhang two monks could not touch brains, the meaning of the this words of not completely understand Qin Mi, right away hence would be to cross-examine a way:"This, don't know this speech of adult Qin, exactly is He Yi?"

