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For what.,Chen Junliang saw, laughing mouth Langsheng said: "our close secret!Hello."Yo!Chen was less ah!I know up outside the window the magpie has a non-stop chattering call this morning, the original is elegant!A rare visitor!You are really a rare visitor!Chen shao!You to our province is fast two months, but I never see you to the provincial Party committee to run, what brings you here today?"Closed the show unexpected God went up, stretched out his hand, said happily.Chen Junliang looked at the coming off the, smiled and reached out his hand to shake, teasing x ì Ng said: "the big secret!It was winter, there is the magpie!I think the owl!"Turn the laugh at Chen Junliang, for HX's secretary Chen Junliang, has been his most admired person, come out from the school followed Xie Tianqiang, now it is down, people know that Chen Junliang is down a gilded, shut the respect of Chen Junliang said: "Chen shao!You see, what an owl!Is the magpie, Chen shao!When did you come, why not give me a call, so that the brothers have the opportunity as a favor."Chen Junliang narrowed her eyes,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Vuitton, looked at the closed secretary, said with a smile: "the big secret!I am come in the morning, to find the secretary about something, right!Almost forget.Let me help you to accept!"Talking to Gao Jian behind said: "this is our provincial Party committee secretary Ma Secretary Xiaoguan, this is our F mayor Comrade Gao Jian."Gao Jian heard Chen Junliang's introduction, face beamed excited God s è, warm hand, laughed and said: "the big secret,www.yinfay.com!Hello,louis vuitton outlet online.I've often heard about you.Several times to the provincial capital, all want to follow you and Ji ā o a, always suffer from does not have the opportunity, today it is lucky to meet, it is a high one's honor."Shut the look up, calm and said: "high mayor!Hello.We are old acquaintances."He built a high hand and gently, and then smiled and said to Chen Junliang: "Chen shao!At noon I told Secretary ma take off.Brothers treat, treat you to dinner, to show hospitality of a host."The Chen smile.Said:" Related articles:

